

As an experiment in reimagining the Op-Ed page for the digital environment, Washington Post Newsweek Interactive and our team at Apperceptive designed and implemented OnFaith, a global conversation on religion with a panel of distinguished guests from the academy, the faith traditions, and journalism. It's sister site PostGlobal used the same infrastructure to host lively debate on global politics. Both sites prominently featured selected comments curated by administrators from hundreds received from the public.

The sites were powered by Movable Type Enterprise and knit together with custom plugins to meet the requirements of the editorial, management, and systems team at WPNI. In addition to responding to the question of the day, participating panelists also had their own full Movable Type blog.

Screencap of the home page of OnFaith on the Washington Post website

Screencap of the home page of PostGlobal on the Washington Post website with live chat

Screencap of the home page of PostGlobal on the Washington Post website