Reuters Investigations
Art direction and development

Forced Labor Supply Chain
Visual mapping

Center for Economic and Social Rights
Web design and migration

A People's Guide to New York City
Maps for a history from below

COVID-19 in NYC Schools
Scraping and visualization COVID-19 cases in NYC schools

COVID-19 Graphics
An archive of COVID-19 graphics and posters from around the web

Building a platform for stories from solitary confinement

Human Rights Watch Multimedia
Front-end development for interactive special features

Charting the impact of ShotSpotter dispatches in Chicago

U.S.-Mexico Border
Mapping the terrain for Human Rights Watch

Big News
Visualizing every banner headline published by The New York Times through 2020

A pure CSS, variable typeface

COVID-19 Resources
Pocket-sized directory of services and resources for clients of the Legal Aid Society

User interface design for this non-profit directory of arts events

Reform Transform Scorecard
Web design and visualization of policing practices in 12 cities

Front-end development for this campaign website

Free Azimjon Askarov
Printed broadsheet design

French Hautes-Alpes
Topographic cartography for Human Rights Watch

Policing Poverty and Racial Inequality in Tulsa
Mapping and web page development

Conflict Dynamics around Refugee Settlements in Northern Uganda
Map design of settlements and issues

A customized feed reader for Apple news

Drawing with Swallows
A photographic experiment

Bernstein Institute of Human Rights
Poster designs

Web design and visualization of NYPD misconduct allegations

Ask an interactive chat bot if you are eligible to seal a criminal record in New York State

Executions and disappearances in Punjab
Design and development of this interactive chronicle and memorial

Egypt Social Progress Indicators
Design, development, and visualization in English and Arabic

Antipsychotics in U.S. Nursing Homes
Interactive map design and development

Twitter Bots
Automated tweeting for art and advocacy

Visualizing Data for Human Rights Advocacy
An overview and taxonomy of techniques and hazards

Calendar of Killings by Police
Heat map calendar of people killed by police

Police Violence Report
Animated, visual analysis of 1,147 people killed by police

Badder Zine
Twitterverse zine of rebel women

Journalists Under Attack
Visualization-driven poster for the Committee to Protect Journalists

Civic Hall Labs Health Lab Report
Web design and development summarizing a series of ideation retreats

Freedom to Thrive
Report on policing spending vs social services

OpenStates Watch
A bot to monitor legislative changes on OpenStates.org and alert a dedicated Slack channel

Our States
Interactive visualization of U.S. legislation

We, the T-Shirt
T-shirt design to benefit Planned Parenthood

Campaign Zero
Responsive, interactive cartogram tracking police reform policies

Prototype template-driven legal document generator designed for busy public defenders

Text message bot sending legislator phone numbers right to your phone

140 Characters
Design and programming of this interactive profile of digital activists in the Gulf States

Stephens, Catherwood, and Katz
Mapping the routes of two 1840's expeditions to Maya regions, rephotographed from 1985 to 1993

Nigeria School Attacks Timeline
Responsive, scrolling timeline of school attacks by Boko Haram

Data Visualization and Human Rights
Research on data visualization for human rights practitioners and advocates

4,101 Matchsafes
An absurd, programmatically generated museum catalog

Innocence Project
T-shirt design with the names of every person they have helped exonerate

Killed Journalist Database
Web design, development, and interactive visualization

Bronx Defenders Brochure & Case Slips
Information design to help clients navigate the court system

Fund for Global Human Rights
Web design and development

Timeline of Boko Haram Abductions
Responsive timeline and map

Presumption of Guilt
Book layout, design and visualization on the global overuse of pretrial detention

Design and programming of this web-based campaigning tool for crowdsourcing phone calls

Committee to Protect Journalists
Website design and developement

Collaborative bulletin board of news and resources for non-profit technologists

Web-based campaigning tool for sending printed postcards to advocacy targets

Migration Routes to Indonesia
Interactive, animated map of Southeast Asia for Human Rights Watch

Security Force Monitor
Interface design and prototyping for this flexible database to monitor abuses by security forces around the world

Human Rights in China
Web site design

Journalists Imprisoned in China
Interactive visualization design and development for the Committee to Protect Journalists

Rockaways Emergency Map
Printed map design of relief and transportation services after Hurricane Sandy

Revenue Watch Institute
Design and development of two interactive, data-intensive microsites

Crowdsourced May Day Poster
Crowdsourcing a crowd of protest bots

Million Hoodie March
Hoodie design for justice

Sight Lines
Design of this printed, alternative tour map of Washington, DC

Academic Publications
Lead author and co-author

Occupy Wall Street Posters
Printed poster designs

Cuban Journalists
Map design

A People's Guide to Los Angeles
Printed map designs for this alternative tour guide

UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women
Annual report design

Attacks on the Press
Publication design for this annual global survey by Committee to Protect Journalists

Imprisoned Journalists
Design, programming, and visualization of this annual census

Massacre in Guinea
Map design for Human Rights Watch

Essays and interviews on the intersection of design and activism

Various Posters
Independent poster designs

A design and technology consultancy I co-founded

Visualizing Information for Advocacy: An Introduction to Information Design

Democracy Now!
Web site design

Web site design of an experiment in reimagining the Op-Ed page for the digital environment

AIGA Electronic Ballot Guidelines
User experience and user interface design

Web design for an experimental social news reader

Selected CIA Aircraft Routes and Rendition Flights 2001-2006
Map design

United for Peace and Justice
Posters, flyers, and T-shirts promoting anti-war events

Gold Trade in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Printed map design for Human Rights Watch

Just Vision
Web site and visualization design and development

An Introduction to Activism on the Internet
Research and writing of this briefing paper

American Samizdat
Graphic design

Human Rights Watch World Report 2005
Map designs for print

A customizable Flash map widget

T-Shirts for United for Peace and Justice
T-shirt design against the RNC in NYC

Election of 1876
Printed map design for the Columbia Law Review

Human Rights Watch
Web site design, management, and campaigns

Kardze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
Printed maps for Human Rights Watch

Matt Gonzalez for Mayor of San Francisco
Campaign web site design and development

Matt Gonzalez for Mayor of San Francisco
A flexible campaign poster design system

Web of Alliances in Ituri
Information design for Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch T-Shirts
Making the world unsafe for dictators since 1978

Tashkent Interactive
Interactive map design highlighting sites of tourism and repression

Web Log
A blog of notes and clippings on design and activism

Web site design

No RNC Poster Project
Poster designs

Amnesty International USA
Website design and development for advocacy, communications, and fundraising

Turntable Mousepad
Product design

Peace Poem
Crowdsourced from schools around the world

United Nations CyberSchoolBus
Design and development for online games and quizzes

Ready to Live: Art and Life Beyond Street Violence
Stories from kids and parents who have lost loved ones

Chinese Staff and Workers’ Association 1997 Calendar
Printed calendar design for fund-raising

IBM Patent Server Database
Vintage web design

Ari Marcopoulos Gallery
Experimental, image-driven web design and development

Studio Project
Filling a virtual studio while the real one is emptied

Columbia University Graduate School of the Arts site
Web page design and development