
Presumption of Guilt

Book layout and design with a healthy integration of charts, graphs, and information graphics for Presumption of Guilt: The Global Overuse of Pretrial Detention, a global survey by the Open Society Justice Initiative. Download the PDF →

Presumption of Guilt

Consequences of Pretrial Detention
Consequences of pre-trial detention

Global Scope of Pretrial Detention

Pre-trial detention population

Magistrates in Japan routinely grant prosecutors' request to detain individuals for 23 days before indictment. Graphic comparing 17.8 billion US dollars spent by European states on pretrial detention compared with the cost of feeding 23 million people a year (8.5 billion), the biennial budget of the World Health Organization (4.2 billion), the Global Fund disbursement (2.7 billion) and United Nations core budget (2.5 billion) In Sao Paulo, Brazil there are three public defenders providing pre-trial legal assistance to more than 2,000 people arrested every month