April 2012

27 April 2012 |
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What would you put on the front page of the
New York Times? Or
Fox News? NewsJack lets you remix and edit web pages to create and share your own parody site in an instant. Read
more about it here or download the
source code from GitHub.
Occupy Honduras.

There’s occupations and then there’s occupations. More than 3,500 families started squatting 12,000 hectares of arable land across the country in a massive coordinated movement on April 17, the International Peasant Day of Struggle. While police have evicted many since then, at least 7,000 hectares of land remained occupied by 1,500 families. Some 53 per cent of Hondurans live in the countryside and 72 per cent of rural families are below the poverty line.
I crowdsourced a crowd scene for a May Day poster using Mechanical Turk, Facebook and Twitter friends inviting them to draw a robot holding up a sign. In just five days, I assembled a protest scene with 250 unique characters. It was great fun. Here are the results in color and black and white.
Click below for high resolution versions.

Continue reading "Crowdsourced Poster for May Day" »
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