If there are regular readers of this site out there, you might be interested in the results of the NYC electronics recycling events I blogged about in October.
Andriana Kontovrakis, Project Manager at the NYC Department of Sanitation writes:
“We collected 52 tons (104,000 pounds) of obsolete computer materials from more than 1,000 people this past Fall. The material was collected through 8 one-day collection events held between October and December.
We are happy with the turnout and tonnage. This was the first time DSNY held electronics recycling events, so we did not have a pre-set goal. We are assessing how and when we might possibly hold such events in the future, but we do not currently have any events planned.”
Independent of city sponsorship, grassroots groups continue to hold electronics collection events around town.
I just missed yesterday’s Recycle This! and Per Scholas event at Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn.
On April 17, 2005 from 9 am to 5 pm, the Lower East Side Ecology Center will collect electronics in the North Plaza of Union Square Park.