August 2006
The Urban Forest Project. 185 banners about trees will hang from lampposts in New York’s Times Square for the next two months. Professional designers, artists, and students were invited to contribute designs “using the form of the tree, or a metaphor for the tree.... Following their display, the banners will be recycled into tote bags and sold at auction, with proceeds going to scholarship and mentoring programs that benefit students of the visual arts.” Though it was not explicitly part of the brief, a large number of designers took the opportunity to publish social commentary. The direct link to the banners has disappeared from
the main site, but you can click through images of
all the banners here.
Let’s talk about climate change.

In late 2005 and early 2006, researchers with the
Institute for Public Policy Research “analysed more than 600 articles from the UK press, as well as over 90 TV, radio and press ads, news clips and websites to find out how the media, government and green groups are communicating climate change.” They identified 10 different types of argument, that “offer different ways of thinking and talking and act as different versions of what can be considered ‘common sense.’”
The breakdown is interesting and useful, though I’m skeptical of their conclusions about the most persuasive message (given that they did not test the messages with actual audiences.) Media consensus is not the same as public opinion. See the
summary of their findings or the
full publication (512 Kb PDF).
CitySol. This past Sunday was the third in a series of free outdoor parties promoting environmentalism in NYC. The summer festivals along Manhattan’s East River waterfront combine “renewable energy-powered
live music..., interactive exhibits showcasing key innovations, practices and policies for New York’s sustainable future, and a
green lifestyle marketplace.” This Sunday,
Per Scholas was also out collecting electronics for recycling or refurbishing and redistribution to low-income families. Reader Colin sends a link to
pics of Sunday’s festivities on the NYC IMC. The next event takes place on September 24.
The World Says No!. Images of protests around the world against Israel’s war on Lebanon — and the war’s U.S. government support.
Faces4Lebanon. Photosharing for peace. Publish a portrait with your message of solidarity.

BrokenBeautiful Press. Alexis Pauline Gumbs makes her artwork, zines, and poetry available in return for donations to activist groups.
Take Back the Capitol. “An open source political video project and clip contest.” Anyone can submit a short video clip to the YouTube group, the best clips will be cut into a political music video by Sim Sadler, seen in these pages as the editor of
Hard Working George.
On to September.
Back to July.