
Found 20 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0771 seconds for protestors.
11. World Protests 2006-13: Not only is the number of protests increasing, but also the number of protestors.
>  5 July 2014, 7:58:36 PM | LINK | Filed in
12. RT @TheMurdochTimes: People from #Gaza are tweeting #Ferguson non-violent protestors advice on how to counter tear gas.…
>  5 September 2014, 5:25:59 AM | LINK | Filed in

It’s fascinating seeing elements of pop cultural representations of protests feed back into the visual vocabulary of real political protests in the streets:

Do you hear the people sing?

“Do u hear the people sing,” a banner at the protest in Hong Kong right now comes from the title of a song in Les Misérables, that hugely successful Broadway musical set during French Revolution.

This past June, Thailand’s Junta warned protesters: “[T]hey are monitoring a new form of silent resistance to the coup — a three-fingered salute borrowed from “The Hunger Games” — and will arrest those in large groups who ignore warnings to lower their arms.”

And of course, the Guy Fawkes mask from Alan Moore's comic book V for Vendetta, later adapted into a Hollywood movie, was adopted by various Occupy protestors.

Anonymous from the Internet

Related, the Pink Bloque (2001-2005) was a Chicago-based radical feminist dance troupe challenging the white supremacist capitalist patriarchal empire one street dance party at a time.

The group used matching pink outfits, choreographed dance routines, and humor as tactics to draw attention. For instance, performing Janet Jackson’s Nasty in front of Chicago Police Department, and Outkast’s Hey Ya! at a pro-coice rally, and in the face of anti-abortion protestors.

>  2 October 2014, 11:42:44 AM | LINK | Filed in

So you want to organize a very large protest march? There's no one better to ask than Leslie Cagan. Leslie has helped organize some of the biggest marches in recent history. To name just a few:

I interviewed Leslie in November 2015. Both Leslie and I have lightly edited the text below for clarity.

>  15 February 2016, 4:19:53 PM | LINK | Filed in
15. The protestors of Macedonia’s Colorful Revolution want to end corruption + law enforcement persecution of protestors
>  4 July 2016, 11:40:08 AM | LINK | Filed in
16. RT @benjancewicz Protestors in Hong Kong are gluing bricks to the road and creating spikes out of nails & water bottles to hamper police vehicles.
>  15 November 2019, 6:40:52 PM | LINK | Filed in
17. RT @BmoreBloc Iran: anti-riot forces open fire on protestors without any warning. People are demanding economic justice and freedom throughout Iran. Protests continue in over 100 cities. We are the masses, we shall overcome. #IranPortests #VivaRevoltion #Tehran #خامنه‌ای_عامل_ویرانی
>  17 November 2019, 9:03:51 PM | LINK | Filed in
18. Fantastic thread on typographic wordplay by protestors in Hong Kong…
>  3 December 2019, 4:56:59 PM | LINK | Filed in
19. RT @evacide If your digital security guide for protestors does not get updated and tested, I am judging you. If your digital security guide for protestors assumes that all protestors have the same threat model, I am judging you a lot.
>  9 June 2020, 2:26:22 AM | LINK | Filed in
20. RT @Joyce_Karam Protestors have now toppled Christopher Columbus statue outside Minnesota State Capitol. Organizers were from American Indian Movement & footage from moments ago:
>  11 June 2020, 12:08:53 AM | LINK | Filed in

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