Write On Stomach

Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1181 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
1041. @donohoe @madshrew @derekwillis good point and many thanks for the feedback. I've updated the bot to only post NYT stories.
>  21 January 2015, 7:39:46 AM | LINK | Filed in
1042. @tinysubversions: Startup idea: forsake money to the best of your ability and focus on being empathetic, kind, and creative
>  21 January 2015, 7:39:46 AM | LINK | Filed in
1043. RT @NYTAnon: No, I Haven’t Given Up on Anonymous Sources http://publiceditor.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/01/13/new-york-time-public-editor-anonymous-sources/ http://t.co/zysJRiyZMh
>  21 January 2015, 7:39:46 AM | LINK | Filed in
1044. @SinaBahram also, if you don't already have one, you might need a UN staffer to grant access to the cafeteria.
>  21 January 2015, 7:39:46 AM | LINK | Filed in
1045. RT @NaheedMustafa: Whoa. 60-70% of all prison inmates in France are Muslim. But Muslims are only 12% of the population. http://t.co/T6JrjGL…
>  21 January 2015, 7:39:46 AM | LINK | Filed in
1046. RT @R_Ephemeral: Pretty cool that one of @NYTAnon's first 50 followers is the NYT's public editor.
>  21 January 2015, 7:39:46 AM | LINK | Filed in
1047. New Twitter bot inspired by @jayrosen_nyu and @Sulliview: @NYTAnon tweets @NYTimes articles that cite sources on condition of anonymity.
>  21 January 2015, 7:39:46 AM | LINK | Filed in
1048. Hey @notrobwalker, thanks for the shoutout to @CooperHewittBot on @DesignObserver. http://t.co/7P81QWLdZu
>  21 January 2015, 7:39:47 AM | LINK | Filed in
1049. Download the PDF →

Presumption of Guilt

Consequences of Pretrial Detention
Consequences of pre-trial detention

Global Scope of Pretrial Detention

Pre-trial detention population

Magistrates in Japan routinely grant prosecutors' request to detain individuals for 23 days before indictment. Graphic comparing 17.8 billion US dollars spent by European states on pretrial detention compared with the cost of feeding 23 million people a year (8.5 billion), the biennial budget of the World Health Organization (4.2 billion), the Global Fund disbursement (2.7 billion) and United Nations core budget (2.5 billion) In Sao Paulo, Brazil there are three public defenders providing pre-trial legal assistance to more than 2,000 people arrested every month

" class="mlpt">Presumption of Guilt
>  22 January 2015, 3:49:25 PM | LINK | Filed in
1050. Oil & Mining Companies on Global Stock Exchanges visualizes data on more than 7,400 publicly-traded oil, gas and mining securities on the largest global stock exchanges. Data is visualized by exchange and value, along with a sortable index of top companies.

Oil and Gas Companies Visualized

EITI Reports: Results & Analysis evaluates Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative reports from countries around the world on 10 key metrics. The site makes minimal use of javascript for access over low-bandwidth connections, and allowed a customizable, detailed comparison view.

EITI reports visualized

" class="mlpt">Revenue Watch Institute
>  29 January 2015, 12:17:39 PM | LINK | Filed in

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