Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0943 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
1541. RT
@zararah Never heard the term "ethics dumping" before – but definitely heard of the practice "doing research deemed unethical in a scientist’s home country in a foreign setting with laxer ethical rules". Glad to hear the EU is cracking down on it
nature.com/articles/d4158… #responsibledata
6 July 2018, 10:30:02 AM |
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1542. SEED goes one better on LEED, evaluating social and economic development outcomes as well as the environmental impact of architecture
3 July 2018, 8:39:42 PM |
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1543. RT
@AvinashSamarth In #NYC, if you miss ONE court date EVER, the city's "risk assessment" algorithm for bail will virtually NEVER recommend you for release again. EVER.
3 July 2018, 7:31:21 PM |
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1544. RT
@xor Today we're releasing an open source framework that makes it easy for anyone to create a Twitter bot to track news subjects across many sites. It's the engine behind @FOIAFeed.
I've been working on this for a very long time and I'm so excited to share it!
3 July 2018, 7:45:29 AM |
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1545. RT
@summerbrennan Lesser known fact: in Ovid, Medusa was a rape victim, and was transformed by Athena after the goddess of war witnessed her being raped by Poseidon in one of her temples. So. Was her transformation a punishment, or was she being armed?
2 July 2018, 10:22:55 AM |
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1546. RT
@SarahTaber_bww North Carolina still has a "you were involuntarily sterilized by the state, my bad" tax credit.
Don't let the pro-life rhetoric fool you. Today's conservatives are SUPER into birth control.
As long as it's involuntary, gov't sponsored, & only happens poor black & brown people.
1 July 2018, 5:21:06 PM |
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1 July 2018, 12:53:14 PM |
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1548. RT
@a_lolbrarian At the college where I work we have a room in the library dedicated to “[college name] Authors.†A couple weeks ago I found out one of the custodial staff published poetry in his native language so I bought a copy of his work for that room
1 July 2018, 12:27:07 PM |
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1549. RT
@vocativ It's illegal for Iranian women to dance on the street... but that's not stopping them https://t.co/SNvTOYn13E
1 July 2018, 8:58:16 AM |
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1550. RT
@PeterTatchell One to go! #Guyana is the only South American country where homosexuality is still illegal. It just held its first LGBT Pride parade. Let's hope decriminalisation is next:
ow.ly/xegF30kllaD Congratulations to @SASODGuyana @GuyanaTrans & Guyana Rainbow Foundation. SOLIDARITY
30 June 2018, 8:49:03 AM |
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