Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0979 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
1551. RT
@Kyle_Feldscher The Times-Picayune kept working while Katrina destroyed their homes.
WDBJ didn't stop working when two of its reporters were murdered on air.
KHOU 11 kept filming as their offices flooded during Harvey.
The Capital Gazette will put out a paper tonight.
You cannot stop us.
29 June 2018, 6:25:29 AM |
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1552. RT
@somebitsLinks Deceived by Design: Government report on dark patterns used to coerce users into giving up privacy rights
28 June 2018, 3:55:10 PM |
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1553. RT
@geoplace New report out of @datasociety on how technology is reshaping the future of labour.
They argue that horizontal weak ties can be insufficient to address large structural challenges faced by workers.
Authored by @JuliaTicona1 @cariatidaa @mawnikr https://t.co/Fce5XUDRM7
28 June 2018, 8:09:02 AM |
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1554. RT
@m_older algorithms are the "just following orders" of now.
algorithms are not neutral. they do not come from nothing. somebody designed them that way. somebody did this on purpose. somebody is to blame.
28 June 2018, 8:00:22 AM |
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1555. RT
@Chelsea_Fagan Need to hear more about the graphic designer on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's campaign because her main poster was stirring as hell -- it manages to feel both vintage without being cheesy and modern without being dry https://t.co/6NJL6dOFo3
27 June 2018, 5:45:40 PM |
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1556. RT
@paulhekkert “Designer is a neutral force?†Let me answer this one if they don’t: Neutrality is an (engineering) illusion; designers always bring in beliefs and values, and preferably they’re aware of them. #DRS2018 https://t.co/Yf9IhkP2EY
27 June 2018, 9:26:05 AM |
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1557. RT
@JimFruchterman Silicon Valley is now in charge of history: more powerful than any newspaper ever was. Glad we're working on this issue! YouTube keeps deleting evidence of Syrian chemical weapon attacks | WIRED UK #HumanRights
26 June 2018, 7:18:45 PM |
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1558. RT
@jobeckerhrw Reading an advance copy of the SG's new annual report on children and armed conflict. I'm outraged that he's removed the Saudi-led coalition from his "list of shame" for attacking schools and hospitals since it "only" bombed 19 schools in Yemen last year. Completely unjustified. https://t.co/QcNHccBFJt
26 June 2018, 4:03:36 PM |
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1559. RT
@Snowden The most important surveillance story you will see for years just went online, revealing how @ATT became the internet's biggest enemy, secretly collaborating against its customers and partners to destroy your privacy.
26 June 2018, 12:55:08 PM |
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1560. RT
@christinawilkie Interesting detail: When a First Lady travels solo, her tarmac arrival is traditionally closed to press, â¦writes â¦@emilyaheilâ©.
But last wk, â¦@FLOTUSâ© invited pool cameras to cover her on the tarmac. Thereby guaranteeing you’d see her jacket.
25 June 2018, 1:00:41 PM |
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