Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0737 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
25 June 2018, 12:15:09 AM |
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23 June 2018, 1:23:13 PM |
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1563. RT
@Alston_UNSR Amb @nikkihaley just blasted my report on poverty & human rights in the US as 'misleading and politically motivated'
goo.gl/YKx4vJ. Look forward to responding in the Human Rights Council at 12pm Geneva time tomorrow. Too bad the US won't be there https://t.co/oH7o29WHW0
21 June 2018, 8:43:56 PM |
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1564. RT
@MsKellyMHayes I am concerned that ppl who were spurred to action by the howls of separated children will go quiet once these families are swept into detention centers together. Bc that's how incarceration works: it disappears the pain, torture and commodification we don't want to think about.
21 June 2018, 1:44:50 PM |
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1565. RT
@lifewinning "if you don't have borders you don't have a country" yes, go on, this is promising
19 June 2018, 8:19:10 PM |
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17 June 2018, 1:49:11 PM |
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1567. RT
@SarahTaber_bww Yeah it's weird, we work a lot on how to prevent famines by doing ag better & the answer is...
It's not a biology problem. Famines are man-made.
Folks tie themselves in knots re: how we need to farm differently or we'll starve, but the #1 food security hack is "don't do wars."
17 June 2018, 9:53:46 AM |
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1568. @dangillmor This NYU study also found #dataviz more persuasive than text alone, though the persuasive power depends on the initial attitude of the participant:
16 June 2018, 5:19:43 PM |
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1569. RT
@ManInTheHoody I was celebrating the Paul Manfort going to jail news and flipped on TV and heard @AliciaMenendez describe the 5 year-old boy who is sleeping with pictures he drew of his parents after getting separated from them.....he is sleeping with pictures he drew of his parents. He's five.
15 June 2018, 9:14:48 PM |
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1570. RT
@arstechnica The nation’s largest physicians group overwhelmingly voted on Tuesday to adopt a series of aggressive stances on gun control and other policies aimed at curbing gun violence, according to the Associated Press.
15 June 2018, 2:33:28 PM |
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