Write On Stomach
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1571. RT
@BklynDefender Big news! @NYSenate passed a bill to create a Commission on Prosecutorial Conduct. @NYSA_Majority is likely to pass it next week, and then it'll be up to @NYGovCuomo to sign it into law.
15 June 2018, 1:24:23 PM |
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1572. RT
@frsimmons Dear Jeff Sessions, are you aware that the argument you made today from Romans 13 was a central argument of the German Christian (Pro-Nazi) movement over and against the Confessing Church? Im not saying you are a Nazi, but you’re interpreting the Bible like one.
15 June 2018, 12:47:47 PM |
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12 June 2018, 5:09:56 PM |
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1574. RT
@BillydangerW Of the 9,000 people in jail in NYC daily, over 75% are there because they cannot afford bail. Legislation to correct this is waiting on Albany votes. In a @nytimes ad, 40 business leaders urge legislators to prioritize #BailReformNY this session
bit.ly/2Jqbdt7 @novogratz
12 June 2018, 3:11:04 PM |
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1575. RT
@cluelesscamper Sessions doesn’t make international law. Just so that we’re clear. He can say what he wants the law to be, but not what it is: a person who’s afraid of persecution based on their social group (such as gender) has grounds for asylum.
12 June 2018, 1:08:58 PM |
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1576. RT
@LouSartori We @LegalAidNYC & @CommJusticeLAS are looking for a #probono partner to take on this illegal practice by @NYPDnews. What do you say my #LASprobono superstars? You ready to join us?? PM me or @Posada_Ant33
12 June 2018, 11:43:17 AM |
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1577. RT
@edyong209 Baobab trees can live for 2,500 years. They've seen empires rise and fall. But in the last 12 years, the oldest and biggest ones have either died or started dying.
11 June 2018, 3:19:14 PM |
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1578. RT
@katherinespiers Memo to any aspiring food writers following me: if you’re not writing about immigration, local and national politics, race, workers’ rights, gender issues, and every other sociopolitical topic, you’re not doing a good job covering food.
10 June 2018, 9:49:19 PM |
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1579. RT
@DrRJKavanagh Any client arrested for an open container case (as opposed to being issued a ticket) is fingerprinted so their prints are now in the system. If they are not a citizen, they are now trackable by ICE. So the NYPD is directly responsible for putting people on ICE’s radar.
10 June 2018, 1:28:37 PM |
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1580. RT
@Pinboard I love the way California does vote by mail and lets me track the status of my ballot online by entering house number, ZIP code and date of birth. https://t.co/jCAYWAn62F
9 June 2018, 3:15:39 PM |
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