Write On Stomach

Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0739 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
1591. RT @rdlankes This one bag of chemo costs $15,000. Without health insurance that would come from selling my house or going into crushing debt. Everyone deserves health care because everyone deserves to live. https://t.co/nAgaYTGVXd
>  5 June 2018, 4:59:21 PM | LINK | Filed in
1592. RT @KellyKborn Great new resource: the Media & Democracy Network @ssrcmdn a new site aggregating research and articles on how media landscape (and democratic institutions) are changing; role tech platforms play; disinfo, polarization, hate speech/doxxing, media consolidation, etc. @jasonrhody
>  5 June 2018, 12:20:32 PM | LINK | Filed in
1593. RT @inga_winkler 'On Skid Row in LA, 14,000 homeless persons were arrested in 2016 for urinating in public... For those wondering what the problem is, the answer is not hard to find. In 2016 there were only 9 public toilets available for some 1,800 homeless individuals.' ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/…
>  5 June 2018, 11:25:32 AM | LINK | Filed in
1594. RT @saladinahmed We’re really going to keep talking about this like it’s a generational divide rather than a class one? Rich people, including millennials, doing just fine as always. If the rest of us are scrambling more for less it’s because they’ve taken a larger share over the past 50 years. twitter.com/abc/status/820…
>  4 June 2018, 12:05:13 AM | LINK | Filed in
1595. RT @DriXander Immigration activists learned from copwatching, are training folks on MigraCam & other cellphone apps designed specifically to film encounters with border authorities: latimes.com/nation/la-na-b…
>  3 June 2018, 11:25:07 AM | LINK | Filed in
1596. RT @ScottHech My client was jailed pretrial on Rikers for over 2 years for 8 small sales of crack until he was finally released to drug treatment. For same cost of incarcerating him, NY taxpayers could have paid his tuition at NYU, housed him on campus, AND treated him for *4 straight years.* twitter.com/abgutman/statu…
>  2 June 2018, 1:27:49 PM | LINK | Filed in
1597. RT @Alston_UNSR Concerning charts, comparing the US to Australia, France, Germany, Japan and the UK on income inequality, voter participation, mass incarceration, infant mortality and life expectancy. twitter.com/GuardianUS/sta…
>  2 June 2018, 1:13:24 PM | LINK | Filed in
1598. RT @just_security Text: major European court decisions issued on Thurs--holds European states liable for complicity in CIA "black sites" Nashiri v Romania: justsecurity.org/wp-content/upl… Abu Zubaydah v Lithuania: https://t.co/cGqx3xZ0Up #Torture Our coverage to follow...
>  1 June 2018, 4:25:59 PM | LINK | Filed in
1599. RT @prisonculture “Revolutionary change does not come as one cataclysmic moment (beware of such moments!) but as an endless succession of surprises, moving zigzag toward a more decent society.” - Howard Zinn
>  1 June 2018, 11:37:35 AM | LINK | Filed in
1600. RT @RussellPhotos Seems like the Ontario election just got a little interesting as General Zod enters the race! I haven’t seen a platform yet, but he is quoted as saying, “I win! I always win. Is there no one on this planet to even challenge me?!” #ONpoli #ONelection2018 https://t.co/K1bzAfb191
>  31 May 2018, 2:56:42 PM | LINK | Filed in

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