Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0708 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
1611. “It’s normal to track [the locations of] hundreds of millions of people a day and trade stocks based on where they go. This isn’t fantasy, it’s what happens every day.â€
17 May 2018, 10:33:27 PM |
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1612. RT
@albertocairo This very simple graphic by @UniGraficos is one of my favorites of the past few years: Lies (red) and misleading comments (orange) during the third presidential debate
univision.com/noticias/elecc… #dataviz #infographics #ddj https://t.co/BDi6tOdnrd
17 May 2018, 2:25:01 PM |
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1613. RT
@robynkanner i laugh at this once a week https://t.co/T22bpYoOlK
16 May 2018, 8:53:09 PM |
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16 May 2018, 7:14:42 PM |
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1615. RT
@conniechan Face recognition commercialization:
1. Install camera in classroom.
2. Use camera to track attendance.
3. Give teachers analytics on who is falling asleep in class.
4. Give schools analytics on teachers.
(this is already live in a high school in China) https://t.co/OnhrAdCzlD
16 May 2018, 7:14:27 PM |
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1616. RT
@jdakwar Few thoughts on why Israel's legal system cannot be trusted to conduct credible and INDEPENDENT investigation into the #GazaMassacre:
1) Israel’s Attorney General approved the classified open fire directive which forms the basis for IDF’s use of live fire against protesters. 1/
15 May 2018, 7:10:06 PM |
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1617. RT
@ScottHech Thank you, Mayor, for acknowledging that race drives arrests. But let’s get real now: The only way you are going to “get fairer†enforcement of marijuana arrests in NYC is to make it IMPOSSIBLE for police to arrest for marijuana. Legalization is quite literally the only option.
15 May 2018, 3:19:32 PM |
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1618. RT
@adamrpearce Why did these seemingly small changes lead to such a significant slow down? Explore their impact on throughput with this combination heatmap/marey diagram: https://t.co/FpYuTJpe4V
14 May 2018, 5:47:52 AM |
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1619. RT
@anxiaostudio What is also true is that the most effective propaganda can be built on the back of seemingly trivial entertainment media — this is how you study and gain influence and attention before slipping in more targeted messages
usatoday.com/story/news/201… https://t.co/C8xvYQzYv9
13 May 2018, 7:32:46 PM |
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1620. RT
@anxiaostudio One common misconception about propaganda is that it operates fundamentally differently from existing marketing and media influence techniques. Propagandists often learn from and work with the existing media landscape.
13 May 2018, 7:32:27 PM |
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