Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0948 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
28 April 2018, 8:34:54 PM |
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1642. RT
@spectrumFHS These statistics are NOT okay. A student should never miss out on their education for who they are. #DayofSilence #GLSEN https://t.co/YTSAiILgPF
28 April 2018, 4:36:53 PM |
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1643. RT
@ethanbrown72 New Bureau of Prisons policies have greatly restricted prisoners' use of e-mail+sent the price of books they order soaring; says one prisoner: “One friend of mine bought two $4.99 books and the price ended up being $42 total."
28 April 2018, 12:53:01 PM |
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1644. RT
@Kassandra_Fred No one is voiceless. Your job is to collaborate on building platforms, share microphones, create megaphones.
28 April 2018, 12:39:29 PM |
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1645. RT
@samswey The US Dept of Education reports comprehensive data on every student suspended, expelled or arrested in 96,360 schools but the US Dept of Justice still hasn’t reported comprehensive data on people killed or injured by the nation’s 18,000 police depts.
28 April 2018, 12:50:53 AM |
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1646. RT
@ignacioCESR My response to @samuelmoyn @nytimes oped on the #humanrights movement’s ‘failure’ to address economic inequality. See our work @social_rights to #fightinequality and the factors fueling it. [Spoiler alert: we don’t end up in bed with neoliberalism...]
27 April 2018, 11:27:19 AM |
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1647. RT
@SatterthwaiteML Community paralegals trained by @Nazdeek1 use SMS to gather and report cases of #ESCR violations on tea estates; this data allows them to seek resolution of specific cases from relevant admin offices in real time: @JayshreeSatpute #ReimaginingJustice https://t.co/RmAk0hoRDs
26 April 2018, 9:19:38 PM |
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1648. RT
@Agent_Jase Analysis of on-line abuse toward journalists shows it is overwhelmingly directed toward females and minorities, reducing their ongoing participation in discussion https://t.co/wJFJXxeEkC
26 April 2018, 3:33:32 AM |
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1649. RT
@nytimes A memorial in Alabama demands a reckoning with one of America's least recognized atrocities: the lynching of thousands of black people in a decades-long campaign of racist terror
25 April 2018, 7:20:32 PM |
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22 April 2018, 11:16:05 PM |
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