Write On Stomach

Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1751 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
1691. RT @trevortimm The CIA shell game: —If you carried out the torture, you shouldn't be prosecuted b/c you were "following orders" —If you gave the orders, you shouldn't b/c you relied on "legal advice" —If you wrote the legal advice, you shouldn't b/c then lawyers won't give their candid opinion
>  15 March 2018, 8:01:39 PM | LINK | Filed in
1692. RT @BKBailFund New "whole pie" report by @PrisonPolicy shows that pretrial detention is responsible for ALL OF THE NET JAIL GROWTH in the last 20 years. Just one more piece of data (as if we didn't have enough already) to support the fight to #EndPretrialDetention ow.ly/AZkt30iX0OT
>  15 March 2018, 1:40:36 PM | LINK | Filed in
1693. RT @CSGV Incredible scene right now on Capitol Hill. #notonemore #enough #NeverAgain #ThrowThemOut https://t.co/Ve4a1x6UtD
>  13 March 2018, 5:00:07 PM | LINK | Filed in
1694. RT @mtdukes Today marks the launch of North Carolina's biggest #SunshineWeek project yet. 10 newsrooms, nearly 50 records requests probing a specific question: How do local, county and state agencies keep track on what they do in secret meetings?
>  12 March 2018, 5:35:33 PM | LINK | Filed in
1695. RT @BoingBoing Study finds that false news spreads faster than truth online, thanks to humans (not bots). boingboing.net/2018/03/09/inc… https://t.co/BNZCBnL9FX
>  11 March 2018, 3:23:48 PM | LINK | Filed in
1696. RT @_amroali "Amazing photo says it all. A 100,000-dollar American missile, launched by a 20 million-dollar plane that flies at a cost of 6000 dollars/hour to kill people who live on less than $1 a day in #Yemen." - Ted Greiner (via fb) https://t.co/9dJHmTC523
>  9 March 2018, 7:09:36 PM | LINK | Filed in
1697. RT @Oniropolis Akira Kurosawa on the horrors that followed the Great Kantō earthquake in Tokyo, 1923, and what fear can do to people. https://t.co/dQu9As82tB
>  9 March 2018, 7:08:30 PM | LINK | Filed in
1698. RT @ScottHech 2 things amazing about this: 1. That volunteers stepped up to pay a stranger’s bail in this insane weather. And 2. That people regularly end up stuck on Rikers Island on $1 bail. twitter.com/dbbnyc/status/…
>  8 March 2018, 8:08:38 PM | LINK | Filed in
1699. RT @ScottHech So many takeaways from this story, but for now I’ll go with this one: “At least two dozen of these employees worked in schools.” buzzfeed.com/kendalltaggart…
>  5 March 2018, 9:47:46 PM | LINK | Filed in
1700. RT @EmilyRCWilson Secondly, the Sirens in Homer aren't sexy. e.g. we learn nothing even about their hair -- in contrast to other divine temptresses. The seduction they offer is cognitive: they claim to know everything about the war in Troy, and everything on earth. They tell the names of pain.
>  5 March 2018, 5:11:16 PM | LINK | Filed in

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