Write On Stomach
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1711. RT
@JeffDean Some new work from the part of Google Brain that works on ml for healthcare: we have encouraging early signs that non-invasive retinal images contain subtle indicators of cardiovascular health that ml models can pick up on, that weren't previously even known to human doctors.
20 February 2018, 12:59:27 AM |
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1712. RT
@ScottHech Biking on sidewalk. Public drinking. Being in park after dark. Spitting. Playing loud music in car. Public urination. Driving w/ no license. Selling loose cigarettes. All non-crimes, for which a *criminal arrest warrant issues for not appearing in court. All could get you killed.
19 February 2018, 3:35:41 PM |
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1713. RT
@PaulMMCooper The scribe of this book has written, “Here is nothing missing, but a cat urinated on this during a certain night. Cursed be the pesty cat that urinated over this book… because of it many others did too. And beware not to leave open books at night where cats can come.†https://t.co/2ZVdS6bKyH
17 February 2018, 5:29:08 PM |
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1714. RT
@KenRoth Despite the stereotypes, up to 40% of child soldiers are girls. Many suffer sexual abuse and have special difficulty reintegrating into home communities once freed.
bit.ly/2EhUrtL https://t.co/FGtOONHlAx
16 February 2018, 7:22:32 PM |
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1715. RT
@DBBNYC After 5 late night hours of faxing a form back + forth, our volunteer was told "come back tomorrow".
When we did, we were told "new day, new form" & had to begin the 5hr process AGAIN.
Laziness and willful maliciousness by DOC has cost an innocent person another day on Rikers.
16 February 2018, 2:55:13 AM |
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15 February 2018, 1:47:11 PM |
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1717. RT
@jkriss There's no shortage of thinkers and writers about technology and society, and those of us who work in tech should be listening to them. To that end, I'm excited to announce
listenup.tech, a new @ragtag_team project.
15 February 2018, 12:19:18 AM |
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1718. RT
@ChrisBolman whoa, hold on just a sec:
(a) facebook tracks the personal cell phones of all its employees
(b) facebook actively tracks and measures mobile phone proximity
(c) facebook can review/analyze/parse and take action based on data (a) and (b) https://t.co/aP6ykA4jZY
14 February 2018, 7:10:33 PM |
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1719. RT
@lsuzuki Doctors w/o Borders estimated 6,700 Rohingya had been killed since August. Horror stories were being recounted daily, by the Rohingya as they flowed into Bangladesh by the hundreds of thousands. What is going on in SW Myanmar is textbook ethnic cleansing.
13 February 2018, 7:49:53 PM |
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1720. RT
@hrw The @ImmigrantsAreUs account will cycle through the survey responses from a random sample of the 25 million non-citizens in the US, and tweet profiles pulled from the census data, once every hour.
#ImmigrantsAreUs https://t.co/gTbEmxjIgy
13 February 2018, 6:58:42 PM |
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