Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0829 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
1731. “It’s confirmation that the NYPD’s marijuana policing strategy has been concentrated on black and brown New Yorkers. Policing is showing us the tale of two cities, and that there’s policing that occurs for some people and not for others.â€
7 February 2018, 5:04:00 PM |
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1732. RT
@ContiCook This was already my favorite bread to buy cuz it’s delicious. Now I’m not only hooked but willing to push everyone to buy it because they specifically hire people with conviction records.
3 February 2018, 11:13:12 PM |
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1733. RT
@RANDCorporation New report: #China's army now characterizes warfare as a clash between opposing operational systems — not merely one between armies. Thus, victory goes to the side that can disrupt, paralyze, or destroy the enemy's system.
2 February 2018, 6:19:26 PM |
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2 February 2018, 2:23:40 PM |
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1735. RT
@jason_koebler A year ago, I found out about a community of farmers who trade John Deere firmware hacks on forums and torrent sites. They're hacking their tractors because Deere has encryption keys locking down access to the software, preventing even simple repair
2 February 2018, 12:04:16 PM |
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1736. RT
@SarahStV_HRW Great new story about @hrw's report on US secret evidence, "Dark Side," by @npr's @Ericnpr. Time for judges and lawmakers to get rid of this rights-violating practice.
1 February 2018, 2:18:36 PM |
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1737. RT
@emma_a_whitford in my first for @TheCut, i talked to trans women who were stalked, harassed and arrested because of their appearance, on a charge the NYPD recently promised to back off of.
1 February 2018, 2:23:10 AM |
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1738. RT
@LennyLiebmann @DecolonialBlack Jeff Bezos has built a machine that extracts value from labor at a massive scale while aggressively aggregating capital to exercise market power and avoid normative economic engagement with the public sector. Every dollar you spend on Amazon is a vote against social goods. https://t.co/nh8wU78eEp
31 January 2018, 6:57:45 PM |
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1739. RT
@EdwardTufte Handouts for jury! Instructions at point of need in complex cases! Initiated by judge in Waymo v. Uber case! Should be common courtroom practice. In the few trials I've worked on, tried to get handouts to the jury. #Presentations #designthinking #litigation #LegalTech https://t.co/d0KoaL5osG
30 January 2018, 7:33:56 PM |
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1740. RT
@allafarce This is a critical point: California has the highest poverty rate due to the cost of living. But SNAP/food stamp income guidelines don’t vary by regional costs. It’s one of the most common frustrations we hear from clients.
29 January 2018, 4:48:52 PM |
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