Write On Stomach

Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1023 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
1741. @triciawang @senongo @meilinfung @nattyray11 @PantheaLee Regarding social change, evoking compassion or empathy doesn't work for everyone. But it can be combined with other pressure tactics that operate on the self-interest of the privileged.
>  28 January 2018, 3:47:53 PM | LINK | Filed in
1742. “I don’t have much time. They are almost here… As best we can tell, it all started with a grad student training a deep neural network on a rather unusual data set…” openculture.com/2017/12/3500-o…
>  27 January 2018, 4:36:17 PM | LINK | Filed in
1743. RT @NYPDbot NYPD detective used fake names and addresses in crime reports to avoid doing any work — and he's still on the job news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&…
>  27 January 2018, 1:06:29 PM | LINK | Filed in
1744. RT @burner Find ways to contact your reps with LobbyPhone, a brilliant SMS bot built on Burner by John Emerson (@backspace) #opengov brnr.me/lobbyphone https://t.co/BHGdCY4E8b
>  26 January 2018, 6:06:37 PM | LINK | Filed in
1745. RT @krishraghav The new issue of @magpiekingdom contains the best breakdown of how censorship of culture works in China: it's not an on/off switch, but more like dials that are turned up and down with the political climate. twitter.com/magpiekingdom/…
>  26 January 2018, 12:23:03 PM | LINK | Filed in
1746. RT @nwmalinowski A Queens jury on Wednesday convicted an NYPD detective of lying under oath in a trial that raised troubling questions about the prevalence of false statements by police officers in routine cases. nytimes.com/2018/01/24/nyr…
>  25 January 2018, 1:10:46 PM | LINK | Filed in
1747. RT @baratunde Thanks @latimes for pointing out the source of those low ride-hailing fares. It’s venture welfare more than an actual business model. Rich people cash subsidizing negative impact on public space. More should include this essential financial context. latimes.com/local/lanow/la… https://t.co/n4OSKxWE5o
>  24 January 2018, 4:46:20 PM | LINK | Filed in
1748. RT @KumarRaoNYC Kentucky school shooting is the 11th this year. It’s only the third week of January. nytimes.com/2018/01/23/us/…
>  24 January 2018, 3:37:41 AM | LINK | Filed in
1749. @lisacrost One more for you: @schock recently posted this excellent thread critiquing a certain mode of network visualization and analysis twitter.com/schock/status/…
>  23 January 2018, 10:52:38 PM | LINK | Filed in
1750. RT @trufelman The Statue of Liberty on the "Forever" stamp is actually the replica in Las Vegas, not the original in New York. USPS printed this image on nearly 4 billion stamps before a stamp collector discovered the mistake in 2011 https://t.co/MNWxyC6mbX
>  22 January 2018, 12:32:19 AM | LINK | Filed in

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