Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0939 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
1921. RT
@adrienneleigh In 1975 the women of Iceland went on strike. Completely on strike. No paid work, no housework, no childcare. It lasted 24 hours and it completely upended the country.
30 September 2018, 4:40:35 PM |
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1922. RT
@elizabeth_joh Significant: California Gov Brown signs SB 1001--bans bots that mislead online about their artificial identity:
29 September 2018, 8:04:22 PM |
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27 September 2018, 4:29:58 PM |
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1924. RT
@professorlemeza Hey. We made a tool to show you the visual history of your congressional district shape. And you can make fun little #MAPS of weird districts like these ones. Collect em all.
27 September 2018, 2:15:21 AM |
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1925. RT
@chrispiecom Finally releasing VIKUS Viewer, a tool that arranges thousands of artifacts on a dynamic canvas and supports the exploration of thematic and temporal patterns of large cultural collections.
vikusviewer.fh-potsdam.de @UCLab_Potsdam
3 October 2018, 3:35:16 PM |
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1926. RT
@BrandalismUK We've just released a #Subvertising manual containing all you need to hack ad spaces in the city. Pick one up from @dogsectionpress for £3 / €4 / $4.50 and get access to over 100,000 ad spaces around the world. Nice! Buy here:
bit.ly/2IE9InE #HackTheCity #Brandalism
4 October 2018, 2:56:27 PM |
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1927. RT
@AynRandPaulRyan Whoa. This is amazing.
According to @womensmarch, there are 1000+ women, survivors, and allies in the Hart Senate building on every floor, in every hallway. #ThursdayThoughts
4 October 2018, 8:55:47 PM |
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1928. Reading Howard Zinn on how terrible the U.S. Supreme Court has always been is oddly comforting this morning. “Rights only come alive when citizens organize, protest, demonstrate, strike, boycott, rebel, and violate the law in order to uphold justice.â€
6 October 2018, 10:59:43 AM |
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1929. RT
@theintercept Obama’s resistance to investigating the Bush administration allowed Brett Kavanaugh to skate onto the Supreme Court
interc.pt/2PnONrD by @EoinHiggins_
9 October 2018, 2:24:24 PM |
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1930. RT
@lauretig @deaneckles My favorite story of USSR cotton production: production numbers were so inflated, Andropov had to turn Soviet spy satellites onto Central Asian cotton fields to get an accurate measurement of yield (
13 October 2018, 1:51:17 AM |
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