Write On Stomach
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1931. RT
@laurakurgan I wrote about this in my book. Close Up at a Distance:Mapping Technology and Politics. It was a classified satellite image - not the blue marble photograph that everyone thinks is on the cover. @ZoneBooks @c4sr_columbia #WholeEarth50th

13 October 2018, 6:52:35 PM |
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17 October 2018, 6:13:05 PM |
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1933. RT
@tomgara This is such a scandal: McKinsey identified prominent online critics of Saudi govt policies and sent their names to the government in a report. Govt arrested one, arrested the brothers of another (who was living abroad)

20 October 2018, 6:30:51 PM |
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1934. RT
@CallumCant1 I'm at the first ever transnational food platform workers assembly. On the wall a comprehensive map of all the unions and collectives present.

25 October 2018, 11:12:27 AM |
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1935. RT
@ScottHech Overwhelmed (in good way) w/ cutting-edge justice initiatives that launched recently. On so many of the issues public defenders see driving mass incarceration: Power of Prosecutors, Coercive Plea Bargaining, Pretrial Detention, ICE in Courts.
A brief rundown on what to explore:

25 October 2018, 8:50:40 PM |
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1936. RT
@RochelleRitchie Hey @Twitter remember when I reported the guy who was making threats towards me after my appearance on @FoxNews and you guys sent back a bs response about how you didn’t find it that serious. Well guess what it’s the guy who has been sending #bombs to high profile politicians!!!!

28 October 2018, 12:45:25 PM |
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1937. RT
@AllisterChang Yesterday @HarvardLIL @hlslib launched its Caselaw Access Project (CAP) API and bulk data service, which puts the full corpus of published U.S. case law online for anyone to access for free!

30 October 2018, 11:10:37 PM |
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1938. RT
@allafarce Making government work well is a matter of social justice because when government does not work, the pain felt is not equally distributed.
It can be tempting to throw up one’s hands. Please don’t. Many can’t.

31 October 2018, 5:05:59 PM |
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1 November 2018, 2:53:12 PM |
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1940. RT
@Pinboard I honestly don't understand why the entire Democratic party is not campaigning on Medicare for all. It is the most galvanizing issue of 2018. Yet somehow the national party managed to get to the right of the Republicans (who campaign hard on saving Medicare) on this pivotal issue

15 September 2018, 7:36:19 PM |
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