Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1293 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
1941. RT
@zeynep It's a funny game. Last time I wrote about gender/phone size, it was a bit tongue-in-check, but also real. At the outlet, we got paid bonuses based on traffic. Some "men's rights" forums seized on it and my traffic shot up. I was like, umm. Thanks? Distorted incentive alignment.
16 September 2018, 4:56:19 PM |
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1942. RT
@alwaystheself I wish more aspiring writers really understood how much rejection is a normal and inevitable part of a “successful†writing career.. this applies to everything from book proposals to peer reviewed articles to op-eds.
16 September 2018, 5:02:00 PM |
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1943. RT
@harrisj @ftrain Once Waze tried to route me through a flash flood because there was no traffic on that route
17 September 2018, 8:21:31 PM |
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1944. RT
@Harmony_Holiday And Coltrane's Alabama, composed to the cadence of MLK's eulogy for the four little girls. He didn't tell anybody what it was about before the recording session, just told everybody through the recording. One of my favorite moments of call and response in the tradition.
18 September 2018, 3:53:27 PM |
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1945. RT
@samswey “depending on jurisdiction, mailed-in ballots may require more than a single first-class stamp, ballots lacking proper postage may or may not be delivered.â€
This system confuses and suppresses voters. Why don’t all ballots have pre-paid postage? Why do you have to pay to vote?
19 September 2018, 2:34:50 PM |
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1946. RT
@limlouisa First words began disappearing from phone calls. Then the calls stopped. Then people began vanishing. Here's my @insidestorymag piece on the long-distance witnesses to China's campaign to control Xinjiang (attn @GraemeKSmith)
26 September 2018, 12:05:32 AM |
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1947. RT
@Blightyboo Saying fuck is “unparliamentaryâ€.
Shitting on the inherent AND constitutional rights of Indigenous people for decades and getting wealthy off our land and resources while simultaneously trying to kill us off is cool tho amirite.
26 September 2018, 12:37:14 PM |
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1948. RT
@jjvincent hot take: we love Dark Mode On Everything because it's a superficial way of telling ourselves we have control over our tech and can adapt it to fit our lives, rather than facing the truth that it molds how we live ever minute we're awake
26 September 2018, 2:31:44 PM |
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1949. RT
@NikiBlasina Africa has become the world’s most rapidly urbanising continent—but managing urban growth, with its associated problems of service provision, housing, crime and congestion, has become one of the biggest policy challenges on the continent:
26 September 2018, 2:03:27 PM |
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1950. RT
@Andalalucha Four years ago today Mexican police kidnapped 43 students from the #Ayotzinapa teachers college. Today their whereabouts are still unknown and their families are meeting with new president elect @lopezobrador_ I will be tweeting updates and you can follow online with link below.
26 September 2018, 4:38:10 PM |
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