Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1276 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
1971. RT
@OSFKasia New @IDPCnet report shows #WarOnDrugs approach has "had scant effect on global supply while having negative effects on health, human rights, security & development." 2019 UN meeting provides opp for global drug policy rethink.
edition.cnn.com/2018/10/21/hea… #TakingStock2019 @CNN
1 November 2018, 5:36:10 PM |
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1972. RT
@jedmiller Gorgeous take on how to visualize an economy from @theRSAorg via @sburall. Makes /you/ the main character, not the money. #citizenseconomy
18 September 2018, 10:44:55 AM |
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1973. RT
@Max_Fisher They asked me to write on why Khashoggi's death provoked a backlash to Saudi Arabia, when so many past transgressions did not
Here’s my answer, citing psychology, social science, the oddities of alliance politics, the history of Saudi and, yes, Bill Cosby
17 October 2018, 11:25:29 PM |
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1974. RT
@kainazamaria @duckrabbitblog I found this particularly striking that the portrait on the left was in the main piece, the official edit - the one on the right was an outtake
Editors of publications are equally, if not more, responsible for the framing of these visual narratives.
21 October 2018, 7:29:43 PM |
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2 November 2018, 12:18:07 PM |
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1976. RT
@MinkysHighjinks “Rocks are thrown at us when we ride; women and girls in #Afghanistan risk their lives to get on a bike, which isn’t just a vehicle—it’s a vehicle for social changeâ€
@AfghanCycles’s @ShannonGalpin on how biking can contribute to #WomensRights at @WrstleLikeAGirl summit
15 September 2018, 12:54:10 AM |
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1977. “Our survey on justice and technology found that marginalized communities primarily use mobile devices to access the internet. Download the full report in this 250 page PDF.â€
14 September 2018, 6:27:24 PM |
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1978. RT
@PaulBlu Bezos (worth $160+b) will fund homeless charity with donations he can deduct from his taxes after forcing Seattle to repeal a tax on his company that would have funded help for homeless. Seattle, meet your feudal lord.
13 September 2018, 8:01:18 PM |
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1979. RT
@lifewinning I've been feeling pretty frustrated with my work lately and remembering I did this is a good reminder that I've done at least one pretty good thing in 2018
12 September 2018, 4:56:35 PM |
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1980. RT
@Ocasio2018 How did Republicans pay for those ICE child detention camps?
How did they pay for $2 trillion in corporate tax cuts?
How did they pay for their Syrian airstrikes?
How did they pay for all those private jets for Trump officials?
And how did they get away with no one asking?
12 September 2018, 2:52:05 PM |
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