Write On Stomach

Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0789 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
1981. Syllabus from @jenterysayers on tabletop games as “paper computers,” the social and cultural functions of paper as a medium, paper machines as technologies, and how games rehearse legacies of colonialism and capital accumulation jentery.github.io/508v4/
>  12 September 2018, 12:41:37 PM | LINK | Filed in
1982. RT @hrw China is abusing rights in Xinjiang on a massive scale: 13 million people subjected to forced political indoctrination & mass surveillance; Est. 1 million people in "political education" camps; 1 million+ officials & police officers monitor people hrw.org/news/2018/09/0…
>  10 September 2018, 1:35:16 PM | LINK | Filed in
1983. RT @DrRJKavanagh This sounds amazing. I'm trying to reconcile it w/ my 16 year old client w/ no criminal record who was prosecuted by @BrooklynDA a week ago for possession of a small amount of weed. I'm tired of @BrooklynDA saying one thing & doing another. I'll believe this when it happens. twitter.com/BrooklynDA/sta…
>  8 September 2018, 9:06:24 PM | LINK | Filed in
1984. RT @DavidKlion If you believe Andrew Cuomo will govern as a progressive after 8 years of doing the opposite, I have a bridge collapsing on top of another bridge to sell you
>  8 September 2018, 8:24:40 PM | LINK | Filed in
1985. RT @saladinahmed Wow. I stopped to perch on a building in #Spidermanps4 and looked over and saw this. Thinking about all the 12-year-old kids who will be playing this game and seeing this in towns where it's not safe to put that flag up.
>  8 September 2018, 3:16:00 PM | LINK | Filed in
1986. RT @BrettKelman Last fall, I started writing a series on “prosecution fees,” a legal trick used in California cities that makes poor people pay a small fortune for tiny crimes. Today, because of my series, Gov. Jerry Brown made prosecution fees illegal. This is the power of local journalism. 1/
>  6 September 2018, 9:35:49 AM | LINK | Filed in
1987. RT @davidminpdx The newly elected District Attorney of Boston, MA ran for office on a platform that included a promise to "end mass incarceration," including refusing to prosecute numerous low level offenses. See below. twitter.com/amylittlefield…
>  5 September 2018, 11:08:00 AM | LINK | Filed in
1988. RT @JamilSmith Is this a corporation seeking to profit off of the pursuit of social justice? Yes. But this accomplishes one thing that could be important. The NFL is now facing pressure from one of its biggest partners to end its collusion against @Kaepernick7. Nike makes the team uniforms.
>  3 September 2018, 9:21:24 PM | LINK | Filed in
1989. RT @patrickgaley The @UNmigration says more than 1,500 people have drowned in the Mediterranean this year trying to reach Europe. The migration crisis isn't going away, even if it's not in the headlines. These families fled Afghanistan and are now on Lesbos
>  3 September 2018, 12:33:09 PM | LINK | Filed in
1990. RT @gchaslot The YouTube algorithm I worked on heavily promoted Brexit, because divisiveness is efficient for watch time, and watch time leads to ads. Brits deserve deserve to know what @YouTube's AI promoted by the millions during the referendum. Without transparency there is no democracy twitter.com/chrisinsilico/…
>  3 September 2018, 11:00:37 AM | LINK | Filed in

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