Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0879 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
14 August 2018, 5:54:03 PM |
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2012. RT
@Bschmak The CEO of GoFundMe recently confirmed one third of GoFundMe campaigns are to pay medical bills. Feel free to look up exact statistics but essentially GoFundMe has become one of the biggest insurers in the country. What does that say about our healthcare system?
14 August 2018, 1:49:36 PM |
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2013. RT
@Kaimandante Reading the book on the history of the CIA has kind of reoriented me into a very clear understanding that, the world as we know it, is the result of trillions of dollars spent undermining every left leaning govt of the last 70 years. Literally, every one.
11 August 2018, 7:04:21 PM |
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2014. RT
@IGD_News Wages have stagnated. Rent is skyrocketing. Prices on basic goods keep going up. We're working more hours for less and less pay. But tell us again how great "our" economy is doing.
11 August 2018, 5:59:18 PM |
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2015. @RJLunn Ooh - is the game available online?
11 August 2018, 2:39:43 PM |
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2 November 2018, 1:51:06 PM |
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2017. RT
@NaomiAKlein My piece on how the NYT’s “definitive†historical take on the climate crisis missed the biggest historical event of the era: the neoliberal revolution. So much for hindsight....
5 August 2018, 3:15:51 PM |
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2018. RT
@johannhari101 It's more than 15 years since Portugal decriminalised all drugs, & transferred all the money they used to spend on shaming, arresting & punishing ppl with addictions, into turning their lives around. The result? Huge fall in addictions, injecting drug use, & overdose deaths.
3 August 2018, 12:37:08 AM |
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2019. RT
@adamjohnsonNYC the Senate just passed a $717 billion defense bill and not one op-ed or editorial or talking head on cable newe will ask “how will we pay for itâ€. Funding for bombs, guns, military bases, warships, fighter jets is simply factored in. Like gravity or entropy, it just *is*.
2 August 2018, 10:31:53 PM |
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2020. RT
@verainstitute More than 600K people return from prison each year. Yet, they're often barred from public housing because of their convictions—leading many to live on the street or in shelters and become caught in the system again.
We need to open doors, not shut them.
2 August 2018, 8:49:58 PM |
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