Write On Stomach

Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0796 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2021. RT @Law_Mana Update: The child died following her stay at an ICE Detention Center, as a result of possible negligent care and a respiratory illness she contracted from one of the other children. The events took place in Dilley Family Detention Center in south Texas.
>  1 August 2018, 12:14:51 PM | LINK | Filed in
2022. RT @SarahTaber_bww NB This map is accurate+misleading in same sense as maps showing "most of US votes red." US, esp arid west, has miles & miles of native range (=wildlife habitat) w, say, 10 cows & 10 Republicans per square mile. Which then on paper looks like wow it's all cows & Republicans. twitter.com/business/statu…
>  1 August 2018, 12:15:45 AM | LINK | Filed in
2023. RT @FrazerPrice The rubbish font I made using bins on my road now has over 200 downloads. Please feel free to download it to write a passive aggressive sign in your office kitchen or as a substitute to painstakingly cutting out letters out of a magazine for a ransom note fontspace.com/frazer-price/r…
>  31 July 2018, 10:15:26 PM | LINK | Filed in
2024. RT @Jasonforrestftw The first of 4 rather long articles about the data visualizations of W.E.B. Du Bois. This one begins by giving some historical context and discussing 8 individual charts. I've been researching it for 5 months now and I'm rather proud of it: towardsdatascience.com/w-e-b-du-bois-…
>  31 July 2018, 3:36:56 PM | LINK | Filed in
2025. RT @fornicatrix This is us doing a direct action during Bill Clinton's speech, letting him know "SESTA EQUALS DEATH" - pass it on. twitter.com/PolicingWatch/…
>  28 July 2018, 10:26:49 PM | LINK | Filed in
2026. RT @Ocasio2018 Single-payer healthcare: Exists in 16 countries Tuition-free (or nearly-free) college: Exists in 15 countries Major economies already running on at least 30% renewable energy: 4 Super spoOoky, right? 👻 It’s not that the US can’t have these things. It’s that we choose not to. twitter.com/mmfa/status/10…
>  27 July 2018, 5:01:35 PM | LINK | Filed in
2027. RT @ChicagoEl I map, so people don't have to sift through an overwhelming amount of data. Big thanks to @eads on this one. The city issued over 225,000 city sticker tickets last year alone. Only 82,000 of the $200 tickets were paid. The rest.... propublica.org/article/chicag…
>  27 July 2018, 12:34:01 PM | LINK | Filed in
2028. RT @MichaelBloch15 @Harold_Krieg @TMLuongo I’m always amazed when judges ask my clients, without a trace of irony, whether anyone has forced them to plead guilty. I’m waiting for one to respond, “other than the entire criminal justice system?”
>  26 July 2018, 11:51:31 PM | LINK | Filed in
2029. @everyplace Shipped on schedule, tho. Congrats!
>  26 July 2018, 11:40:44 PM | LINK | Filed in
2030. RT @kgosztola In that case, let’s come up with several more forms that cops must fill out every time they draw a weapon. The lives of black people in Chicago depend on it. twitter.com/apcentralregio…
>  26 July 2018, 4:30:07 AM | LINK | Filed in

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