Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1121 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2051. RT
@ed_saber @lifewinning perplexes me that americans always go to germany, hitler, and holocaust when they could focus on slavery, segregation, jim crow, and apartheid as a worst-case scenario.
8 November 2018, 2:25:41 AM |
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8 November 2018, 3:46:56 PM |
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2053. RT
@bitandbang Are you a maintainer or contributor to one of these projects?
- @nodejs
- @expressjs
- @d3js_org
- @vuejs
- @bower
- @gulpjs
- @momentjs
- minimist
- Karma
- request
- RequireJS
If you are, @NASA is depending on your code. No pressure.
9 November 2018, 11:59:11 AM |
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2054. RT
@LangeAlexandra Thread on disappearing culture journalism. I worry about this every day. I also see architects acting as if they can get along fine without critics and … we already know the profession’s not healthy.
9 November 2018, 1:59:59 PM |
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2055. RT
@jaynehuckerby #thisismylane @ThisIsOurLane #ThisIsOurLane most powerful threads on Twitter right now: be devastated and inspired by every post. It’s only through research on public health consequences of gun violence in America that we can understand the full extent of this human rights crisis
12 November 2018, 12:22:49 AM |
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2056. RT
@zararah Fascinating paper by @benzevgreen on why data scientists focusing on ethics is not enough – instead, data scientists should recognise their role as political actors, and stop pretending "neutrality" or objectivity:
12 November 2018, 6:31:27 PM |
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2057. RT
@jburnmurdoch This @nytimes cartogram is getting a lot of deserved praise, but I wanna talk about one particular design choice that is simply genius:
Separating the states from one another.
Why is this such a brilliant decision? A very brief thread:
12 November 2018, 6:30:35 PM |
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2058. RT
@jkeefe Addressing subway riders "in the front of the train" or "in the rear cars" seems extremely conductor-centric. Once aboard, I rarely have any idea where I am relative to the rest of the train. #nyc
15 November 2018, 1:56:19 PM |
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2059. RT
@linamkhan Excellent multi-part report from @TheEconomist on how dominant firms are stifling competition. Includes a scathing critique of "the intellectual decay of the antitrust establishment"
16 November 2018, 8:11:06 PM |
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2060. RT
@ShaneClaiborne There are now 164 people who have proven that they were wrongfully-convicted and given a death sentence.
Together over 1800 years of their lives has been taken from them.
And these are just the ones that have been able to prove their innocence. #WTI15
16 November 2018, 9:08:25 PM |
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