Write On Stomach
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2071. progressegypt.org is a bilingual website tracking progress on indicators in six human rights topics.
Designed in collaboration with SooYoung VanDemark.
" class="mlpt">Egypt Social Progress Indicators
25 November 2018, 10:07:06 PM |
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26 November 2018, 6:24:38 PM |
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2073. RT
@RoryLancman It is a disgrace that the city has failed to implement key #bailreform measures passed by the @NYCCouncil last year, including my bill to ensure individuals have access to loved ones’ contact information after an arrest.
26 November 2018, 9:53:28 PM |
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27 November 2018, 1:10:52 PM |
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2075. RT
@Ehmee A devastating read, but an absolutely necessary one. I appreciate its emphasis on the incalculably important work of 'amateur'- and community scientists. Also, why we need to support collections-based research!
27 November 2018, 5:44:06 PM |
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2076. RT
@gingerthomp1 It’s one thing for a reporter to find out by chance that the government is still separating children from their parents at the border. It’s another thing entirely when that’s how the lawyers representing those kids find out. My latest, â¦@ProPublicaâ©
28 November 2018, 12:08:17 PM |
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2077. RT
@Fall_of_Civ_Pod #RuinoftheDay: The Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico.
The city flourished between 100 BC-550 AD, & had great influence over Mayan culture to the south. Its collapse is a mystery, but only buildings of the ruling class were burned, suggesting an internal rebellion.
28 November 2018, 12:07:07 PM |
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2078. RT
@dancow Jeff Bezos buying the Washington Post is now the second-biggest impact Amazon has had on investigative journalism:
28 November 2018, 6:39:21 PM |
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2079. RT
@histoftech One thing I wish academics talked about more openly: Prestigious institutions are conservative institutions. They may employ some radicals, but these institutions are not going to support anything that causes them to lose their power. They're firmly on the side of the status quo.
28 November 2018, 9:43:11 PM |
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2080. RT
@UdiACLU This is amazing. â¦ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘@njdotcomâ© created the most comprehensive database I’ve ever seen on police use of force. It found that 10% of officers accounted for 38% of uses of force; Black people were 3x likelier to suffer from police force than whites
29 November 2018, 8:51:06 PM |
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