Write On Stomach
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2091. RT
@MarshallProj Incarcerated parents are more likely to permanently lose custody of their children than parents who have physically or sexually assaulted their kids.
Read more about the "family separation crisis that no one knows about."
8 December 2018, 5:07:36 PM |
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2092. RT
@jmkorhonen @jasonhickel Sigh. I made a sign so that I don’t have to write everything all over again.
8 December 2018, 9:40:54 PM |
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2093. RT
@NYCComptroller NEW: The racist & discriminatory history of marijuana enforcement is no secret. We're releasing new neighborhood-level data on just how stark the disparities are.
If we're going to legalize adult-use marijuana, we need a robust cannabis equity program.
9 December 2018, 12:17:02 AM |
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2094. RT
@yung_mulatto_ WE WON!!!
@IEC_NYU has won:
1) the creation of a committee to research non Aramark self dining
2) a seat on the contract committee in 5 yrs
3) a standing committee to divest the PIC from NYU
4) a written NYU statement supporting keeping current workers
#NYUPrisonDivest ✊ðŸ½
9 December 2018, 5:05:44 PM |
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2095. RT
@DougHenwood The ten richest New Yorkers are collectively “worth†$215 billion. The subway needs $40 billion. Public housing needs $20 billion. CUNY and the schools could use another $20 billion That’s only about a third of what these ten are “worth."
9 December 2018, 8:24:47 PM |
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2096. RT
@BeverleyMarsh10 Here’s to the people all across Europe who are protesting for better living conditions. Shame on the politicians who should be acting on the people’s behalf, but are instead criminalising them and using force to intimidate them.
9 December 2018, 10:04:17 PM |
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10 December 2018, 12:35:18 AM |
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2098. RT
@SatterthwaiteML On #HumanRightsDay I am grateful for the incredible HR defenders putting themselves on the line for the rights of those who are marginalized, oppressed, targeted, and forgotten. #Gratitude and respect to you ✊
10 December 2018, 6:37:15 PM |
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2099. RT
@matthew_d_green Everyone has been sharing this NYT story on location data. But even if you don’t read it, just scroll down through the animations: the datasets they got to examine are amazing.
10 December 2018, 7:28:54 PM |
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2100. RT
@chimeraelf A Cartoon History of Colonialism in #PuertoRico
A primer on how the island became the last colony
by Omar Banuchi & Ed Morales
villagevoice.com/2018/03/19/a-c… #6MonthsAfterMaria #BoricuasRising #OurPowerPR #DefendPR
11 December 2018, 2:59:44 AM |
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