Write On Stomach
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2111. RT
@annegalloway @blnaveen @clb5590 @farbandish @gleemie @danielarosner @Branhammertime @erinleebrady People might also be interested in @Thomas_Wendt’s short essay on Empathy as Faux Ethics
19 December 2018, 5:40:20 PM |
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2112. RT
@samswey Police killed at least 1,122 people in America this year. There have only been 22 days this entire year where police did not kill someone.
21 December 2018, 9:39:14 PM |
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2113. RT
@MiriamElder This is a great story by @meghara on the tension between removing terrorist content from FB/YouTube and war crimes prosecutors and researchers who rely on that stuff for evidence
22 December 2018, 4:30:55 PM |
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2114. RT
@BstandsforB What if instead of “wall vs no wall,â€
we made this a debate of:
Wall vs rural green jobs,
Wall vs books for schools
Wall vs meals on wheels
Wall vs free college education
Wall vs winter heating subsidies
Wall vs clean water infrastructure
What would you invest $5B in?
22 December 2018, 6:11:10 PM |
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2115. RT
@raju This year alone, Egypt's government put 19 journalists in prison on alleged false news charges, more than double all other countries in the world combined.
25 December 2018, 7:56:21 AM |
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2116. RT
@beyondbarsuk got a book you dont want for xmas? send it to us and we will send it on to an incarcerated queer person! pop it in the post to
Books Beyond Bars
c/o Nexus Art Cafe
Central Buildings
Oldham Street
M1 1JQ
Have a good xmas xx
25 December 2018, 8:40:52 PM |
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2117. RT
@DrRJKavanagh Much more important than what the Proud Boys claim happened, is that 50 NYPD officers witnessed Proud Boys brutally attack anti-fascist protestors, did nothing to stop them, then chose to arrest 3 protestors & only arrested the Proud Boys days later after a massive public outcry.
26 December 2018, 9:26:33 PM |
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2118. RT
@LeeCamp Industries lobbying against legal marijuana -
* Alcohol *
* Tobacco *
* Big pharma *
* Police unions *
* Private prisons *
* Prison guard unions *
It's almost as if the war on drugs is a sham.
26 December 2018, 10:15:54 PM |
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2119. RT
@KhaledBeydoun China continues its ethnic cleaning of Uighur Muslims with no global action.
China closed down one of the biggest mosques in Xinjiang (East Turkestan), which is the indigenous land of the Uighur, where 11 million of them currently reside.
26 December 2018, 10:12:21 PM |
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2120. RT
@shohinigupta unpopular opinion: lean startup is not a good book
more unpopular opinion: most startup/mgmt books are repetitive and poorly written, only serving to glorify founderhood - instead read books on criminal justice, environment, healthcare etc this year and learn about real problems
26 December 2018, 10:32:23 PM |
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