Write On Stomach
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2121. RT
@michalmigurski Open Precinct Data: some preliminary exploration of a data format for storing U.S. electoral precincts based on ideas from GTFS and made for use with data science notebooks, common processing tools, and neighboring projects like @openelex.
27 December 2018, 12:12:35 AM |
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2122. RT
@alicegoldfuss DEVS: wages are determined by demand on the free market, don’t hate the player hate the game!!!
ME: devs should be on-call
DEVS: unions are Good, actually
28 December 2018, 12:03:14 AM |
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2123. RT
@ShannonVallor These are NOT the "ethical considerations." Not even close. They are the unreflective preferences of people who took an online survey about a contrived hypothetical, embedded with the usual forms of immoral prejudice. This is not how ethics is done.
28 December 2018, 5:12:45 AM |
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2124. RT
@SmileyKeith Got in our @Zipcar we've been driving for 3 days. It doesn't start. Call Zipcar and get told that the car can't access the internet so it won't start. The only option is to have a tow truck come and tow it to somewhere where it has internet.
28 December 2018, 4:23:05 PM |
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2125. RT
@katiasav Meet the tech geek using machine learning to hold human rights abusers accountable for genocide, war crimes and more. My story on Patrick Ball (@vm_wylbur) and @hrdag in @PacificStand:
28 December 2018, 4:43:45 PM |
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2126. RT
@SulomeAnderson One of the worst things about journalism is how we have to find “fresh angles†on human suffering. People being killed or abused isn’t enough, they have to be killed or abused in a unique way. So much injustice is ignored because some editor or producer decides it’s not original.
29 December 2018, 4:39:26 AM |
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2127. RT
@uxresearch Me ten years ago, on seeing a poorly designed interface “Wow, what idiot designed this?†Me, today: “What constraints were the team coping with that made this design seem like the best possible solution?†Empathy trumps fundamental attribution errors.
30 December 2018, 2:32:33 PM |
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30 December 2018, 9:04:43 PM |
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2129. RT
@MsKellyMHayes In 2006, 96% of felony convictions were the result of guilty pleas. Only 3% of cases actually went to trial. Being incarcerated pretrial dramatically increases the likelihood someone will plead guilty. Eventually people just give up. It's heartbreaking. #FreeThePeopleDay
31 December 2018, 8:28:37 PM |
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1 January 2019, 3:53:22 AM |
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