Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0726 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2131. RT
@JakeMGrumbach Foundations: We must stop the loss of teachers.
Research: Pay them more?
Foundations: We must create data driven ed tech personalized learning whole child development union busting gamification.
Research: But you could redistribut-
Foundations: This is the only way.
1 January 2019, 4:43:04 AM |
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2132. RT
@onekade On the second episode of Hasan Minhaj’s new show, he highlights the role Saudi money plays in propping up Silicon Valley companies. Now Netflix has removed the episode at the request of the Saudi government. Bad call @netflix.
1 January 2019, 2:34:41 PM |
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2133. RT
@DrTinaEllsworth "Too often world history teachers focus more on the process of European conquest of Africa rather than African resistance. This #MondayMap focuses on the resistance. There’s a lot of it." #edchat #worldhistchat #sschat #whapchat #decolonizeworldhistory #decolonizehistory
1 January 2019, 4:24:45 PM |
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2134. RT
@Nicole_D_Rams Haitian Independence should be a global black national holiday! The significance of the Haitian Revolution on independence movements in the region, and anti-slavery laws as the first black republic in the world cannot be taken for granted.
1 January 2019, 7:06:46 PM |
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2135. RT
@ABC To get elected as a district attorney, sounding tough on crime used to be the most effective campaign strategy. But in recent years, district attorneys have been winning elections by sounding big on reform.
1 January 2019, 8:15:00 PM |
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2 January 2019, 2:21:57 AM |
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2137. The FBI’s interrogation of Reality Winner was like a play — and has now been turned into one
2 January 2019, 1:35:37 PM |
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3 January 2019, 12:39:54 AM |
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2139. RT
@jonfavs @brianbeutler I’m surprised no one has asked McConnell why he wouldn’t override the President’s veto with a bill that has already passed the Senate 100-0
3 January 2019, 1:28:15 AM |
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2140. RT
@DaviSusan The visual representation of the full House today is striking. On one side, House GOP almost entirely white men. And almost entirely in navy blue/black suits. On other, House Democrats awash in color—both skin and dress—with women mixed in throughout.
3 January 2019, 9:07:05 PM |
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