twitter is lazy

Found 3599 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1408 seconds for twitter or is or lazy.
2141. RT @privacyint Privacy policies are long Twitter’s is 12 pages, Instagram’s is 11, Netflix is at 9. Reddit’s comes in shortest at 6 pages, but this still takes an estimated 13 minutes to read, and longer to actually digest NEW piece about going beyond transparency…
>  29 July 2018, 12:34:44 PM | LINK | Filed in
2142. In Arabic, Al-Sisi literally means a small donkey. Given that President Sisi has jailed people for years for mocking him, maybe the zoo keeper is… covering his ass.…
>  29 July 2018, 11:36:03 AM | LINK | Filed in
2143. RT @ClaudiaStellar “The national average sentence for men who kill their female partners is 2-6 years in prison. In contrast, women who kill their male partners are sentenced to an average of 15 years, despite the fact that many of these women killed in self-defense.” #SurvivedAndPunished…
>  29 July 2018, 3:18:29 AM | LINK | Filed in
2144. RT @fornicatrix This is us doing a direct action during Bill Clinton's speech, letting him know "SESTA EQUALS DEATH" - pass it on.…
>  28 July 2018, 10:26:49 PM | LINK | Filed in
2145. RT @LasEkristen "That is enough to pay a utility bill, buy a week of groceries, or cover a month of bus fares," Associate Justice Goodwin Liu wrote. "What Starbucks calls 'de minimis' is not de minimis at all to many ordinary people who work for hourly wages."…
>  27 July 2018, 9:44:33 PM | LINK | Filed in
2146. RT @Pinboard Curious to see where your favorite tech company is spending its political money? @askaphysicist has now added district maps to his super cool visualizer for PAC spending!
>  27 July 2018, 5:01:19 PM | LINK | Filed in
2147. RT @TopherSpiro This is soo much better than that New York Times map making the rounds. Instead of filling in entire precincts with blue or red, it uses dots to represent each vote, accounting for population density.…
>  27 July 2018, 5:00:14 PM | LINK | Filed in
2148. RT @ChicagoEl I map, so people don't have to sift through an overwhelming amount of data. Big thanks to @eads on this one. The city issued over 225,000 city sticker tickets last year alone. Only 82,000 of the $200 tickets were paid. The rest....…
>  27 July 2018, 12:34:01 PM | LINK | Filed in
2149. RT @ginasue And thus the central question for my new AI research: Who gets to call bullshit when AI is wrong -- the answer is deeply organizational, gendered, and contextual. And important.…
>  26 July 2018, 8:54:54 PM | LINK | Filed in
2150. RT @RachelStrohm The mother of a Kenyan teenager who died after a backstreet abortion is suing the government for not guaranteeing safe access to abortion, which is legal under the current constitution…
>  26 July 2018, 10:24:34 AM | LINK | Filed in

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