Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0765 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2191. RT
@GaspardWinckler Spotted these beauties on the tube tonight. Hats off to whoever's responsible, and apologies for shitty phone pics.
7 February 2019, 7:58:24 PM |
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2192. RT
@DFJNYS In NY, Prosecutors are not required to turn over ANY information until start of trial. We are calling on NY legislators to repeal the unjust blindfold law and enact Discovery for Justice Reform Act.
7 February 2019, 11:50:12 PM |
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2193. RT
@elizejackson In design, we cultivate experiences based on emotion because we have convinced ourselves that those feelings lead to change. But the truth of the matter is, there aren’t many designers who actually want to experience the uncomfortable feelings that are required for true change.
10 February 2019, 1:13:21 AM |
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2194. RT
@shaygabriel Some organizing rules I teach my ppl, from all kinds of places (notably - on the last one - adrienne maree brown)
10 February 2019, 1:44:51 AM |
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2195. RT
@LawKristina Left ICE detention today livid. Client observed guards pouring water on legal docs and ripping up folders. Evidence can be life or death for an ICE detainee. When she filed a grievance, she was mocked. We are caging people based on birthplace & killing their spirits. For profit.
10 February 2019, 4:14:41 PM |
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2196. @BkSpaceBand @YorksBands @GreedySoulsUK @wardrobeleeds @ApolloJunction @FSELeeds Rock on, mates.🤘
10 February 2019, 7:51:06 PM |
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2197. RT
@CourtWatchNYC This is one of our first reportings from Queens. This is why we are in Queens, to shed light on how law enforcement works with the DA's office to entrap, arrest, and incarcerate communities of color.
10 February 2019, 7:39:21 PM |
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2198. RT
@camerontw but I’ve not seen good examples of design tools that help designers keep front of mind that the interactions at one stage of a service systems should be very different to those at a later stage because even the same person is effectively two different personas at either stage?
11 February 2019, 3:44:29 PM |
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11 February 2019, 8:41:29 PM |
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11 February 2019, 10:57:31 PM |
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