Write On Stomach
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2201. RT
@CONELRAD6401240 @JessicaHuseman I send my FOIA birthday cards when my original requests turn one year older. Does this speed up my FOIAs? Not really, but the cards have to go into some file forever.
12 February 2019, 4:49:55 AM |
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2202. RT
@valariekaur Write a card to a child separated at the border, recently released prisoner, climate refugee, or person recovering from opioid addiction. We will DELIVER your card thru advocates working w/ them. Our mvmt is only as strong as our solidarity is deep. Go to
reclaimlove.us https://t.co/2XOw6LvKPA
12 February 2019, 4:39:37 AM |
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2203. RT
@SocialWorkItOut "So my kids school had a genuine lock-down today... I say to her, why did you write that on your arm? She says, 'in case the bad guy got to us and I got killed, you and daddy would know that I love you,' and she started to cry." -Shelley Harrison Reed
13 February 2019, 12:53:46 AM |
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2204. RT
@ClintSmithIII Having a kid has transformed the way I understand many things, among them being an increased recognition that providing universal daycare is one of the most important & transformational things we could do as a country. It would change the lives of so many people in untold ways.
13 February 2019, 11:20:15 AM |
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2205. RT
@AOC Shock doesn’t begin to cover it.
Today I left a hearing on homelessness & saw tons of people camped outside committee.
I turned to my staff and asked if it was a demonstration.
“No,†they said. “Lobbyists pay the homeless + others to hold their place so they can get in 1st.â€
13 February 2019, 9:11:24 PM |
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2206. RT
@saubryhr And the #AbidjanPrinciples on the human rights obligations of States to provide public education and to regulate private involvement in education were just adopted by experts from around the world. This is a landmark moment for human rights!
14 February 2019, 4:44:22 PM |
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2207. RT
@ClintSmithIII Something I always think about on Valentines Day is how Frederick Douglass, as was the case with many enslaved people, did not know his birthday, and so he chose February 14th as the day he would celebrate. An attempt to reclaim something that was taken from him.
15 February 2019, 12:41:24 AM |
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2208. RT
@Ilhan Climate change is a national emergency.
28 million Americans without health insurance is a national emergency.
Children in cages is a national emergency.
A ban on 135 million people is a national emergency.
Trump's wall is NOT a national emergency.
16 February 2019, 3:32:23 AM |
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2209. RT
@arjunsethi81 This is terrifying.
A database in China used to track the Uyghur Muslim population was exposed online.
It contained information on 2.5 million users, including names, dates of birth, addresses, employers, photos, & past GPS coordinates.
16 February 2019, 12:27:52 PM |
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2210. RT
@joboriken Apparently, US Special Forces have landed and are grouping at the airport in Aguadilla, PR in preparation for taking action against Venezuela. PR being used once again to attack another Latin American sister country. Disgusting & criminal.
16 February 2019, 6:40:04 PM |
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