Write On Stomach
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2211. @afrxdiasporaphd “Ultimately, participation in this bill would be voluntary and graveyards will only be registered with the consent of the property owners.†🤔
17 February 2019, 7:53:24 PM |
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2212. RT
@JakeMGrumbach Woah, I didn't know that until now the 8th Amendment's protection against "excessive fines imposed" only applied to federal fines, not state/local (in contrast to the 8th Amendment's protections against cruel and unusual punishments & excessive bail)
20 February 2019, 7:17:11 PM |
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2213. RT
@MichaelBloch15 Judges and DAs everywhere need to see this report. Philly DA stopped asking for bail on low-level crimes. Report found “no effect on failure to appear [in court], on violent offending, or on recidivism.†Philly defendants’ court-appearance rate in 2018 was highest in a decade.
21 February 2019, 12:11:40 AM |
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2214. @Intelatin Take a look at @OpenSecretsDC. They have good data on presidential and congressional election funding since 2000:
21 February 2019, 2:53:03 AM |
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21 February 2019, 9:02:58 PM |
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2216. TIL the scripts, languages, legends and history of Middle-earth were a nationalist project. J. R. R. Tolkien, a professor of Anglo-Saxon, hoped to fill a void he believed was caused by the Norman conquest and its effects on the language, culture, and customs of England.
21 February 2019, 11:28:24 PM |
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2217. RT
@existentialcoms The focus on CEO salaries when talking about wealth disparity obfuscates how wealth is generated. No one becomes a billionaire from the salary they draw from working. The billionaires are the people paying the salary, and they get it from owning stuff.
22 February 2019, 1:52:43 AM |
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2218. RT
@antherpensee PASS THIS ON
the first transgender suicide hotline is now up and running in the U.S. you can reach trans lifeline at 877-565-8860.
22 February 2019, 2:48:45 PM |
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2219. RT
@davidakaye if @YouTube (or any other platform) had a human rights standard instead of an entirely discretionary & vague policy on 'dangerous & harmful' content, it could potentially take action against anti-vax as necessary to protect public health. it's right there in #ICCPR article 19.
23 February 2019, 12:54:15 PM |
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2220. RT
@nytimesworld The race is on to memorialize the 1947 partition of India and Pakistan before survivors pass away. Historians have recorded troves of oral histories, a number of which are displayed at the world’s first museum dedicated to that era.
23 February 2019, 12:49:34 PM |
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