Write On Stomach

Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1261 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2221. RT @SarahTaber_bww Love how European cultures like to rank societies using only the metrics we can win at, like metalworking. If we used "can feed themselves w/o destroying environment" or say "can navigate halfway across the world w/o instrumentation" indigenous peoples win twitter.com/tulukaruq/stat…
>  23 February 2019, 5:56:17 PM | LINK | Filed in
2222. RT @StreetsblogUSA Every time a video of a traffic jam on this highway goes viral, we say the same thing: This highway was *just* widened at a cost of $1.3 billion. You can’t widen your way out of congestion. twitter.com/jamesmelville/…
>  25 February 2019, 2:25:42 AM | LINK | Filed in
2223. More discussions around artificial intelligence should center on human rights rather than just “ethics.” This one looks promising: chrgj.org/2019/02/19/als…
>  25 February 2019, 5:02:28 PM | LINK | Filed in
2224. RT @BYP_100 Did you know NY is the only state in the nation to explicitly legislate a rape shield exemption for sex workers? If you’ve been convicted for sex work in the last 3 years, that can be used against you if you report rape. #DecrimNY to end violence against sex workers!
>  26 February 2019, 10:04:23 PM | LINK | Filed in
2225. RT @AOC What I love about this tweet is that it embodies something we desperately need right now: public imagination. When we focus on imagining and debating new possibilities of what we want to accomplish, instead of relentlessly fixating on limitations, we build the will to do more. twitter.com/erinroseglass/…
>  2 March 2019, 6:36:24 PM | LINK | Filed in
2226. RT @slavin_fpo So to take this a little further: 38% of Americans will get cancer. 42% of American cancer patients will be bankrupted by it. Think of seven people. This will happen to one of them. Probably not the one you hate. Probably not the one who set out to kill the ACA. twitter.com/KHNews/status/…
>  3 March 2019, 2:16:27 PM | LINK | Filed in
2227. RT @dangillmor Classic example of how journalists don't understand basic math. The tax law gave vast, vast money to the ultra-wealthy and nearly zip to everyone else. Hence, the ONLY relevant metric is the median, not the average. Come on, @CNN, this is close to journalistic malpractice. twitter.com/CNN/status/110…
>  3 March 2019, 2:05:15 PM | LINK | Filed in
2228. RT @thelionmachine Hey @TwitterA11y I get seizures and gifs and videos trigger my seizures. Why do you keep turning autoplay back on when it's set to "never" for my safety under accessibility? And then make it hard to fix? This is the second time in 2019. A dead user can't make you money.
>  4 March 2019, 1:13:30 AM | LINK | Filed in
2229. I love the elegant design and typographic branding on The @NewYorker map here, but feel like the zoomed out view is a missed opportunity.
>  4 March 2019, 4:02:14 PM | LINK | Filed in
2230. RT @mattdpearce More Hollywood labor history: The 1988 writers strike (ignore the typo in the screenshot) got networks interested in reality TV that didn’t need writers. That’s how we got “COPS,” which is like a comically Baudrillardian version of using law enforcement to break picket lines.
>  4 March 2019, 4:38:47 PM | LINK | Filed in

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