Write On Stomach

Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1053 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2231. RT @KarenMusings A favorite research note from today: "One in every five American cowboys was black in the 1880's and much of what we think as 'cowboy culture' is rooted in African cattle herding...based on the ways Fulani cattle herders in Western Africa had tended their animals for centuries."
>  5 March 2019, 2:42:57 AM | LINK | Filed in
2232. RT @13_shadows_13 She was the 9/11 survivor known as the 'Dust Lady,' but her name was Marcy Borders. She died on Monday from cancer most likely as a result of being exposed to a number of known carcinogens from the debris and dust that covered her body. She was only 42. #RIP #SayHerName
>  5 March 2019, 2:31:16 PM | LINK | Filed in
2233. The United States ranks 32nd of 38 industrialized nations on child poverty. thenation.com/article/child-…
>  6 March 2019, 12:47:55 PM | LINK | Filed in
2234. RT @mulegirl This is why I come down so hard on designers tossing around the word "empathy". If you aren't contributing to the design of a system that values humans and contributes to their wellbeing, who gives a fuck about how much "empathy" went into the interface to that system?
>  6 March 2019, 4:04:38 PM | LINK | Filed in
2235. When you spell check the notes on your design presentation, but the mockups all use Lorem Ipsum.
>  7 March 2019, 5:29:09 PM | LINK | Filed in
2236. RT @DrRJKavanagh The prosecutor in Paul Manafort's case recommended a 19 to 25 year prison sentence. Judge Ellis just sentenced him to under 4 years. Judges almost never sentence my clients to less prison time than prosecutors recommend. Compassion is a quality shown only to some.
>  8 March 2019, 12:10:42 AM | LINK | Filed in
2237. RT @sashaperigo Did you know there are 159 senior citizens that will sleep on San Francisco's streets tonight, forbidden from raising a tent or any other form of shelter? I built a bot that will tweet statistics about the shelter waiting list daily until no one is sleeping on our streets. 👇 twitter.com/sf_waitlist/st…
>  8 March 2019, 5:14:53 AM | LINK | Filed in
2238. RT @justinpickard ’Criticised by the UN Human Rights chief for using excessive force against protesters, [France’s] government has proposed a string of bills to repress demos, dissolve dissidents’ networks, promote an “official truth” and suppress content on social media.’ ft.com/content/6fe3b1…
>  10 March 2019, 2:54:23 PM | LINK | Filed in
2239. RT @pronounced_ing This might be my favorite interaction on Twitter in ages:
>  11 March 2019, 1:08:16 AM | LINK | Filed in
2240. RT @lifewinning What was the SHIELD position on the Rwandan genocide
>  11 March 2019, 3:32:25 PM | LINK | Filed in

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