Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0758 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2251. RT
@arothmanhistory Crowding on slaving vessels was even worse than depicted in this famous diagram of the slave ship Brooks, argue Eltis & Radburn in the latest Journal of Interdisciplinary History #slaveryarchive
22 March 2019, 2:21:48 PM |
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2252. RT
@ClimateAnja I knitted a climate sweater: “how cozy became catastrophe†@Charlieheaps
Based on @ed_hawkins climate stripes. More info:
22 March 2019, 5:35:52 PM |
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2253. RT
@AnneriekeSmk Safe drinking water is a human right. Yet in Canada, many First Nations communities do not have access to water. On #WorldWaterDay, @hrw and @ChiefsofOntario released a guide for First Nations to build their advocacy for safe drinking water access
22 March 2019, 5:30:33 PM |
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2254. RT
@Normita_Esq Bronx DA is only offering 15 days jail on a case I have where the client is accused of stealing some ice cream and detergent from a grocery store. The statement she made to the police was: "I am a mom and my kids are hungry."
23 March 2019, 1:55:35 AM |
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2255. RT
@TrevonDLogan In previous work, @drlisadcook has shown some of the flaws with the existing lynching series. She took this as a working task to build a new national lynching dataset. More lynchings in her data than in than in any other data on lynchings.
24 March 2019, 5:48:22 PM |
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2256. RT
@incunabula The myth that Africa is a continent without writing is just that, a myth, and an inexcusably racist one as well. Quite apart from ancient scripts like hieroglyphics in Egypt and Ge'ez in Ethiopia, since 1830 at least twenty-seven scripts have been invented in West Africa alone.
24 March 2019, 10:07:20 PM |
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2257. RT
@RachelBLevinson Interesting and important study on impact of body worn cameras. Research is still mixed - while they might be a useful tool for some purposes, they don't appear to have had the galvanizing effect on transparency & accountability that many had hoped for.
26 March 2019, 5:48:44 PM |
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2258. RT
@andreapitzer I tried repeatedly to pitch an op-ed or a feature in 2017 saying how close we were to having concentration camps in the continental US and was consistently told that no, no, were were hardly on the brink of that.
27 March 2019, 11:42:33 PM |
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2259. RT
@MissSarahLeo Chart lovers! I've blogged about some of our more serious crimes against data visualisation 🤯📈📊📉🤯
(We've learned a lot over the past few years so I hope this post will not only be entertaining but also useful.)
28 March 2019, 1:48:46 AM |
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2260. RT
@kejames The cancellation of the all-women spacewalk is a decent metaphor for attracting girls & women into STEM, but then not supporting us once we‘re there.
Maybe even a better metaphor than the “leaky pipelineâ€.
We could call it “all space camp, no spacesuitâ€.
28 March 2019, 12:12:39 PM |
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