Write On Stomach
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2271. RT
@AfroLez On Tuesday, New Mexico officially eliminated Columbus Day as a statewide holiday, replacing it w/one that honors Native Americans' heritage instead. They will celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day from now on, making it the 5th state to rename October holiday.
4 April 2019, 11:25:29 AM |
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2272. Music, sound and conflict: on music, politics, violence and resilience in contemporary societies
4 April 2019, 7:43:58 PM |
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4 April 2019, 9:06:41 PM |
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2274. Just one of thousands of mosques demolished in China in the last two years
rfa.org/english/news/u… https://t.co/Dcmy8gITjf
5 April 2019, 1:04:27 PM |
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2275. RT
@UNRWA “As a United Nations organization, we operate on the principles of neutrality, impartiality, independence and humanity,†writes Elizabeth Campbell, Director of the UNRWA D.C. office, in the @NYTimes responding to criticism of the Agency's work. Read more:
6 April 2019, 12:41:22 PM |
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2276. RT
@TurbanMinor 1/ A vulture can fly up to 400 kilometres each day in search of carrion. Little should it care whether this flight takes it from one country to another. The vultures of Spain, however, skirt around the Portuguese border with uncanny accuracy.
7 April 2019, 3:28:09 PM |
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2277. RT
@melissakchan When the Berlin Wall fell, the people of Japan raised money and gifted the city thousands of cherry blossom trees. Every spring you can find rows of trees in bloom where walls once stood. This is my Sunday message to the world. You’re welcome.
7 April 2019, 8:08:43 PM |
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2278. RT
@csoundar Like “ once upon a time “ in English, in Tamil we used to start stories with “in that only place...†ஒரே ஒர௠ஊரிலே... what are the conventions in other cultures? #storystarters
8 April 2019, 11:39:55 AM |
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2279. RT
@IlhanMN $1.5 trillion is now tied up in student debt. It is destroying lives and it's a drag on our whole economy.
We need transformative change. It's time to eliminate all student debt and guarantee debt and tuition-free public colleges.
9 April 2019, 12:45:11 AM |
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2280. RT
@dgoats I am increasingly convinced that pressuring young artists to have "solo" careers rather than forming collectives, co-ops, collaborative multi-disciplinary practices is one of the greatest failings of a traditional art school education.
9 April 2019, 3:17:10 PM |
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