Write On Stomach

Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0867 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2281. RT @HindMakki I've been seeing this pic on my #Sudan_Uprising TLs today and it's amazing. Let me tell you why.
>  9 April 2019, 5:03:13 PM | LINK | Filed in
2282. RT @SteveZeidman Years ago I hosted a delegation of Japanese lawyers who wanted to observe NYC Criminal Court - after a few hours one of them asked me "Where do they take the white defendants?" twitter.com/RosaGoldensohn…
>  11 April 2019, 2:53:39 PM | LINK | Filed in
2283. RT @random_walker I used to share the popular view that creating and maintaining research software is pointless — no one will use it, you won’t get credit for it, and it will die once the lead author completes their PhD. Here’s the story of how I changed my mind and what I learnt from it.
>  12 April 2019, 2:25:47 PM | LINK | Filed in
2284. RT @Public_Citizen An update on the corporate takeover of our government: An oil lobbyist runs the DOI A coal lobbyist runs the EPA A pharma exec runs HHS A Boeing exec runs DOD A billionaire Amway heiress runs DoED A private equity kingpin runs Commerce A Goldman Sachs exec runs Treasury
>  12 April 2019, 2:04:05 PM | LINK | Filed in
2285. RT @NadiehBremer Making a #dataviz for both desktop and mobile doesn't mean that the only two options you have are "scaling down" and "stacking vertically" → You can also change layout by positioning the data differently. There's more overlap in code between these two than you might expect.
>  12 April 2019, 3:25:51 PM | LINK | Filed in
2286. RT @nwmalinowski Any time a technology company creates something that can be used as surveillance, law enforcement will ALWAYS eventually get their hands on it and use it in a way that violates people rights — in particular the rights of people of color. nytimes.com/interactive/20…
>  13 April 2019, 4:37:31 PM | LINK | Filed in
2287. RT @jilliancyork Wow, just a few weeks after I submitted a piece that describes how no major tech company collects data on non-binary employees, Google announces that it now does: diversity.google/annual-report/…
>  13 April 2019, 4:35:07 PM | LINK | Filed in
2288. RT @datingdecisions This twitter account calls out press releases of studies on mice that discuss the studies as if they were performed on humans. I feel like it has the potential to become a phenomenon. twitter.com/justsaysinmice…
>  13 April 2019, 9:25:58 PM | LINK | Filed in
2289. RT @farbandish Field-wide subtweet: AI is only a future problem for people privileged enough to not ALREADY be targeted by infrastructures and technologies designed to oppress them. I do not give a fuck about flying robot ethics. I give a fuck about the material harm being done here and now.
>  14 April 2019, 9:11:21 AM | LINK | Filed in
2290. RT @tparsi Highly classified French Military Intelligence document shows that Saudi and UAE are overwhelmingly dependent on Western-produced weapon systems to wage their devastating war in Yemen. The West can stop the carnage. But it chooses profit over life. interc.pt/2V2c3RS
>  15 April 2019, 5:47:23 PM | LINK | Filed in

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