Write On Stomach
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2291. RT
@jaZiFRESH Seeing people lament the loss of Notre Dame today and I’m trying so hard to sit on my hands. I’m a civil engineer because I love structures. But I can’t divorce them from their purposes, what they enforce, enable, or uphold. They hold, literally and figuratively, SO much.
15 April 2019, 10:20:38 PM |
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2292. RT
@AP After one @AP story on Yemen, at least 80 prisoners were released from secret detention sites. After another, the U.N. rushed food and medicine to people who were starving. AP reporting that earned a #Pulitzer has made a difference in the Yemen civil war.
15 April 2019, 10:52:24 PM |
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2293. RT
@samwalton9 While news reports updated and tweets flooded in about the horrible Notre-Dame fire yesterday, volunteer @Wikimedia editors worked to research and document the events as they unfolded. I always find this reactive process fascinating, here's a thread on how it happened:
17 April 2019, 11:03:29 AM |
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2294. @chris_whong puppeteer-cluster has some nice queuing built into it. Otherwise, perhaps use the Digital Ocean API to create and destroy a bigger droplet from a snapshot for just that one hour.
17 April 2019, 11:53:42 AM |
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2295. RT
@palimastudio I've seen a whole lot of 3D models of the #NotreDame fire by now but still zero vis on the significance of the cathedral to the historical geography of Paris/France. The how & why of the fire is matter-of-factual but it's not the reason why we're in shock. Big newsroom fail imo.
17 April 2019, 12:54:29 PM |
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2296. RT
@lifewinning Working on a larger theory of scamming
17 April 2019, 4:24:00 PM |
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2297. RT
@ruchowdh The result is “ethics theaterâ€â€”or worse, “ethics washingâ€â€”a veneer of concern for the greater good, engineered to pacify critics and divert public attention away from what’s really going on inside the A.I. sausage factories.
18 April 2019, 1:18:22 AM |
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18 April 2019, 3:23:13 PM |
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2299. RT
@AmyCesal When you're marrying the human you met while collaborating on #dataviz together, you're basically required to collaborate on some viz for the wedding, right?
18 April 2019, 3:44:35 PM |
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2300. RT
@vladsavov For a long time I've wondered what I find so alluring and strangely human about Japanese urban scenes, and then someone tweeted it: Japan doesn't have on-street parking.
18 April 2019, 4:33:14 PM |
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