Write On Stomach

Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0957 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2291. RT @jaZiFRESH Seeing people lament the loss of Notre Dame today and I’m trying so hard to sit on my hands. I’m a civil engineer because I love structures. But I can’t divorce them from their purposes, what they enforce, enable, or uphold. They hold, literally and figuratively, SO much.
>  15 April 2019, 10:20:38 PM | LINK | Filed in
2292. RT @AP After one @AP story on Yemen, at least 80 prisoners were released from secret detention sites. After another, the U.N. rushed food and medicine to people who were starving. AP reporting that earned a #Pulitzer has made a difference in the Yemen civil war. apne.ws/UPbK1rA
>  15 April 2019, 10:52:24 PM | LINK | Filed in
2293. RT @samwalton9 While news reports updated and tweets flooded in about the horrible Notre-Dame fire yesterday, volunteer @Wikimedia editors worked to research and document the events as they unfolded. I always find this reactive process fascinating, here's a thread on how it happened:
>  17 April 2019, 11:03:29 AM | LINK | Filed in
2294. @chris_whong puppeteer-cluster has some nice queuing built into it. Otherwise, perhaps use the Digital Ocean API to create and destroy a bigger droplet from a snapshot for just that one hour.
>  17 April 2019, 11:53:42 AM | LINK | Filed in
2295. RT @palimastudio I've seen a whole lot of 3D models of the #NotreDame fire by now but still zero vis on the significance of the cathedral to the historical geography of Paris/France. The how & why of the fire is matter-of-factual but it's not the reason why we're in shock. Big newsroom fail imo.
>  17 April 2019, 12:54:29 PM | LINK | Filed in
2296. RT @lifewinning Working on a larger theory of scamming
>  17 April 2019, 4:24:00 PM | LINK | Filed in
2297. RT @ruchowdh The result is “ethics theater”—or worse, “ethics washing”—a veneer of concern for the greater good, engineered to pacify critics and divert public attention away from what’s really going on inside the A.I. sausage factories. slate.com/technology/201…
>  18 April 2019, 1:18:22 AM | LINK | Filed in
2298. RT @CounselBot Update on the Special Counsel’s Office web page justice.gov/sco
>  18 April 2019, 3:23:13 PM | LINK | Filed in
2299. RT @AmyCesal When you're marrying the human you met while collaborating on #dataviz together, you're basically required to collaborate on some viz for the wedding, right?
>  18 April 2019, 3:44:35 PM | LINK | Filed in
2300. RT @vladsavov For a long time I've wondered what I find so alluring and strangely human about Japanese urban scenes, and then someone tweeted it: Japan doesn't have on-street parking. twitter.com/japanfolder/st…
>  18 April 2019, 4:33:14 PM | LINK | Filed in

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