Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0718 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
20 April 2019, 11:54:21 AM |
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2302. RT
@jasonintrator My mother spent 33 years as a court stenographer in Manhattan criminal court. In 1992, we walked into a restaurant and she made us walk right out, since one of the prosecutors for the Central Park 5 case was eating there. Their innocence was not a mystery at 100 Centre St.
20 April 2019, 2:01:09 PM |
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2303. RT
@kmontenegro If there's a municipal code that prohibits sleeping on the street, why isn't there one that prohibits the hoarding of housing/empty rooms?
20 April 2019, 9:59:50 PM |
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2304. RT
@hillelogram One of my most controversial software opinions is that your sleep quality and stress level matter far, far more than the languages you use or the practices you follow. Nothing else comes close: not type systems, not TDD, not formal methods, not ANYTHING.
Allow me to explain why.
21 April 2019, 1:33:41 AM |
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2305. RT
@androgydyke 1. WE TRACK INTERNAL USE! we track how many & which items are used without leaving the building. not only does this help us know what people are using, it's often one of the metrics that decides our funding! reshelving ur book can literally mean less money for your library.
21 April 2019, 9:55:57 PM |
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2306. RT
@chris_whong I was able to get ahold of the real-time data feed from @amtrak and throw it on a mapboxGL map. With @emberjs (or maybe @gatsbyjs) I would like to make specific URLs for each train instead of putting all that sweet data into a map popup. Who wants to help? #opensource
22 April 2019, 2:29:10 PM |
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2307. RT
@VarshPrakash On Earth Day in 2019 let’s remember this image of Earth Day in 1970.
20 million marched the streets, calling for clean air & water as part of a revolution that would pass the most sweeping env. legislation this country had ever seen.
Remember the true legacy of this day.
22 April 2019, 4:05:00 PM |
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2308. RT
@DorothyERoberts In McCleskey v. Kemp, a majority of justices conceded that, if they struck down the death penalty based on evidence it was racist, the Court would have to abolish the entire criminal punishment system- as dissenting Justice Brennan called it, “a fear of too much justice.â€
22 April 2019, 6:46:27 PM |
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24 April 2019, 8:11:11 PM |
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2310. RT
@leftiblog On the Opinion pages of both the WaPo and NYT right now, you will not find a single article criticizing yesterday's Saudi beheading of 37 people (and the crucifixion of one). Ditto of course for the US government.
25 April 2019, 11:23:53 AM |
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