Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0784 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
25 April 2019, 6:33:31 PM |
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27 April 2019, 3:23:28 PM |
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2313. RT
@davidminpdx This careful analysis of the wildly irresponsible press coverage of the NYPD’s Bronx Gang Raid, based on what has now come to light, should be taught as a cautionary tale in every journalism school in America. Stellar work by @adamjohnsonNYC.
27 April 2019, 7:09:38 PM |
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2314. RT
@MCrowderMeyer Overheard this evening:
4yo: Why do girls' clothes mostly have buttons on the back, but boys' clothes have them on the front?
dad: I'm not sure.
4yo: Probably the patriarchy.
And you know, I never considered it before, but I think she's probably right.
27 April 2019, 7:05:17 PM |
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2315. RT
@maxinemawhinney Morocco has completely banned plastic bags. You can't even pay for one. What they have instead is recycled paper fibre bags that feel like soft fabric and are biodegradable. Here is my afternoon purchase in its bag. Way to go Morocco.
29 April 2019, 5:15:57 AM |
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29 April 2019, 3:13:47 PM |
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2317. @the_wrangler If you like the booklet, you might also enjoy this longer, more academic piece on the promises and pitfalls of data visualization for human rights advocacy. It also includes a bit more analysis on persuasion and policy:
29 April 2019, 9:43:16 PM |
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2318. RT
@amandaleighlaw BIG NEWS to come out of the Prison Industrial Complex committee NYU created after our #NYUPrisonDivest campaign:
🗣 Starting this fall, NYU will create a SCHOLARSHIP FOR FORMERLY INCARCERATED STUDENTS!!!!!! 🗣
I’ve worked on this for a year + it’s actually happening yall :’) 🙌ðŸ½
1 May 2019, 6:38:51 PM |
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2319. RT
@clarychka .@planetlabs Satellite imagery released by @hrw shows rapid increase in @CBPgov detention facilities for families and children on the border in Texas, rather than investment in a true humanitarian response.
1 May 2019, 9:06:36 PM |
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2320. RT
@wang_maya These might look like normal metal detectors, but they’re “data doors,†covertly gathering the identifying info of your phones, including IMEI no. & MAC addresses. New @hrw report is packed full of new discoveries on Xinjiang’s mass surveillance systems:
2 May 2019, 11:56:57 AM |
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