Write On Stomach

Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0806 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2411. RT @No_Little_Plans 4chan, one of the internet's most-visited sites, has become significantly more focused on hate speech, violent threats, and Neo-Nazi propaganda in the last 3 years, according to an analysis of more than 1 million comments from the site. news.vice.com/en_us/article/…
>  10 July 2019, 4:58:21 PM | LINK | Filed in
2412. RT @jgmariner Breaking: by a vote of 18 to 14, the UN’s top human rights body just adopted a resolution to on the serious human rights abuses committed in the Philippine government’s “war on drugs.” #HRC41
>  11 July 2019, 12:59:07 PM | LINK | Filed in
2413. RT @tristanharris Last week I testified for a U.S. Senate hearing on "Persuasive Technology and Optimizing for Engagement." Watch the highlight reel of my opening statement & answers to Senators' questions on dangers of increasingly asymmetric, extractive motives in tech: youtube.com/watch?v=WQMuxN…
>  11 July 2019, 3:50:40 PM | LINK | Filed in
2414. New York Times

CAPstat.nyc home page design
Home page design

CAPstat.nyc network of associations
Visualization of associations among police, commands, and lawsuits

CAPstat.nyc network of associations precinct view
Network of associations precinct view

CAPstat.nyc command page
Command page

CAPstat.nyc lawsuits filter page
Lawsuits filter page

CAPstat.nyc lawsuit profile page
Lawsuit profile page

CAPstat.nyc officers filter page
Officers filter page

CAPstat.nyc officer profile page
Officer profile page

" class="mlpt">CAPstat.NYC
>  12 July 2019, 3:14:49 PM | LINK | Filed in
2415. RT @etiennelefleur Protest Stencil, an art-activist project collaborating with grassroots groups on a range of issues inc. the arms trade, pulls out of Science Museum "Top Secret" show, accusing it of artwashing weaponsmaker Raytheon’s involvement in human rights abuses. middleeasteye.net/news/street-ar…
>  13 July 2019, 12:37:42 PM | LINK | Filed in
2416. RT @FPWellman I can’t see this little girls face from this official White House photo of the VP’s visit to the Border Patrol yesterday. But I know what her expression is. She’s alone. Placed on a bench. Given snacks and a TV. But she is fading every minute she is there. Disappearing.
>  13 July 2019, 3:22:05 PM | LINK | Filed in
2417. RT @jrivanob Hundreds of people marching through downtown Palo Alto for #CloseTheCamps #NoTechForICE protest targeting Palantir. Chants of "Why are we here? To shut down Palantir!" Never seen as many people marching in Palo Alto, or as many shocked onlookers.
>  13 July 2019, 5:08:20 PM | LINK | Filed in
2418. RT @lynneedenise Her name is Yvonne Turner, one of the pioneer house music producers who continues to be erased from the genre’s origin stories...pitchfork.com/thepitch/yvonn…
>  13 July 2019, 11:57:45 PM | LINK | Filed in
2419. RT @AlecMacGillis Two American cities--both on the edge between north and south, both scenes of major police-community eruptions in recent years, both w/ very high levels of opioid abuse--have moved into a totally separate realm of gun violence compared even to other traditionally dangerous towns.
>  14 July 2019, 7:17:13 PM | LINK | Filed in
2420. RT @oasace #facebook is embedding tracking data inside photos you download. I noticed a structural abnormality when looking at a hex dump of an image file from an unknown origin only to discover it contained what I now understand is an IPTC special instruction. Shocking level of tracking..
>  15 July 2019, 2:37:30 PM | LINK | Filed in

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