Write On Stomach
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2441. RT
@samswey Changes made to NYPD‘s use of force policies since they killed #EricGarner in 2014:
-weakened the ban on chokeholds
-weakened the ban on shooting at people in vehicles
-removed requirement to use “minimum force necessaryâ€
-removed “deadly force will only be used as a last resortâ€
2 August 2019, 6:13:53 PM |
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2442. RT
@ScottHech The thing about the Fourth, Fifth, & Sixth Amendments to the US Constitution. They offer powerful protection on paper & in theory. In practice: Courts have watered them down to such an extent they’ve all but been rewritten. And cops don’t care, bc they’re never held accountable.
3 August 2019, 4:40:38 AM |
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2443. RT
@Snowden They always tell us the tools of mass surveillance are intended for use only against the faraway Other; the foreign enemy, the terrorist, the criminal. And then, just a few years later, we realize precisely the same system secretly surrounds us at home.
3 August 2019, 4:38:30 AM |
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2444. RT
@mike_hugs I forgot how on the nose good the simpsons was sometimes
3 August 2019, 5:57:50 PM |
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2445. RT
@eveewing funny how in Chicago where intracommunity violence is actually very much bound up with untreated trauma, depression and PTSD no one ever says shooters were mentally ill. it’s an ableist red herring used to conveniently absolve white supremacists while also reinforcing stigma.
4 August 2019, 4:26:04 PM |
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2446. RT
@OsitaNwanevu We have a major political party that exists to do nothing else but obscure economic depredation with racial and cultural paranoia. Mass shootings are only the most visible way that this is killing people. There are others.
4 August 2019, 4:13:04 PM |
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2447. RT
@EJAllstonEsq @ConnConnection One of the most significant ones is access to a gun. Domestic violence fatalities skyrocket when there is a gun in the home, as do deaths by suicide. Suicide is not usually what people think of in terms of gun violence, but it account for about 2/3 of gun deaths in US every year
4 August 2019, 7:48:16 PM |
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2448. RT
@JessieNYC A thread on white supremacy + what's happening now in the US. #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism
4 August 2019, 10:41:07 PM |
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2449. RT
@JuliusGoat I have blocked
the legislation
that was on
the docket since February
and which
you were probably
would have prevented this
forgive me
my donors pay me cash
so crisp
and so cold
5 August 2019, 4:21:52 AM |
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5 August 2019, 4:15:11 PM |
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