Write On Stomach

Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0867 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2481. RT @GunnelsWarren Washington Post: The study Bernie cited on 500,000 medical bankruptcies was not "peer-reviewed" Study's author: Your Washington Post "Fact Checker" article falsely claimed that my article in the American Journal of Public Health had not undergone peer review. Demands retraction
>  29 August 2019, 7:15:34 PM | LINK | Filed in
2482. RT @AlbertoCairo I still can't believe I made it to the front page of The New York Times online—writing about how to read visualizations: nytimes.com/interactive/20…
>  29 August 2019, 11:28:00 PM | LINK | Filed in
2483. RT @maliniranga I just learned that my colleague, anthropologist Adrienne Pine, taught a class this summer called ‘Tribes on the Hill’ in which she and her students inverted the ethnographic gaze to study the exotic rituals, practices, and taboos of US Congressional folk and that is just so cool
>  29 August 2019, 11:37:45 PM | LINK | Filed in
2484. RT @HMittelmark Time traveler on assignment from the Vatican goes back to kill Darwin so that nobody will question the truth of the Bible, but when he returns and reports on the success of his mission, the Pope is now...an ape!
>  3 September 2019, 3:26:22 PM | LINK | Filed in
2485. RT @A_C_Robinson What a time to be researching disinformation in cartography. He used a sharpie to modify the map, clearly. People trust what they see on maps, and eroding trust in official sources like @NOAA is terrible in an age where competing graphical narratives are easy to create and share.
>  5 September 2019, 4:22:49 PM | LINK | Filed in
2486. RT @JennBorchetta BREAKING: Court just certified a class in our a case against NYPD for using sealed arrest information in violation of NY law. Class includes likely hundreds of thousands of people, and case is now poised to advance massive change on NYPD surveillance database. @BronxDefenders
>  5 September 2019, 8:39:18 PM | LINK | Filed in
2487. @kevinchlo This project has some good research on resilience, mental health, and the well-being of human rights researchers and advocates hrresilience.org
>  5 September 2019, 11:13:49 PM | LINK | Filed in
2488. RT @Josmar_Trujillo NYPD slowdown shows NYC can spend less on cops in.amny.com/2PRylV6
>  6 September 2019, 3:47:02 PM | LINK | Filed in
2489. RT @aaronMCN The makeshift memorial at Prince Edward MTR station has grown even bigger since I was here yesterday. Flowers now cover the entrance gate and one banner reads 「天理難容」”heaven cannot tolerate this”
>  7 September 2019, 10:30:52 AM | LINK | Filed in
2490. RT @sherrying We shouldn't reduce MIT to only Epstein. His crimes are odious but we should investigate the structural dependence of our research and culture on private wealth (without transparency). I once researched where art galleries got their money and ended up at Mugabe.
>  7 September 2019, 9:13:17 PM | LINK | Filed in

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