Write On Stomach

Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0845 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2501. RT @EmmaDaly The Chinese government’s forced separation of children is perhaps the cruelest element of its oppression in #Xinjiang - @SophieHRW in new @hrw report on Xinjiang kids separated from parents #FamiliesBelongTogether #China hrw.org/news/2019/09/1…
>  16 September 2019, 3:39:48 PM | LINK | Filed in
2502. They always nail the crime bosses on tax evasion. twitter.com/eliehonig/stat…
>  16 September 2019, 10:06:19 PM | LINK | Filed in
2503. RT @propublica Hundreds of computer servers worldwide that store patient X-rays and MRIs are so insecure that anyone with a web browser or a few lines of computer code can view patient records. One expert warned about it for years. propub.li/2LOASdm
>  17 September 2019, 10:56:47 AM | LINK | Filed in
2504. @BkSpaceBand @ApolloJunction @Belgrave_Leeds @SkylightsYRA @LeedsUnited_MAD @DuncanSeamanYEP @musicleeds @comeplaywith @BBCIntroWY @alanraw @empilbeam @Smileradio3 @H2NUK @LocalSoundFocus All good here. Keep on rockin’ the house!
>  17 September 2019, 12:30:52 PM | LINK | Filed in
2505. RT @mills_sarah A tourist on the train just asked me what positives have emerged in UK politics during 2019? What or who has had an amazing year? After a long pause, I said "Flowcharts? It's been a cracking year for flowcharts, which have made a bit of comeback?" #clutchingatstraws
>  18 September 2019, 9:30:10 AM | LINK | Filed in
2506. RT @jack_saundrs Always amazing to me that the debate about precarious workers being able to go on strike always seem blaze straight on past the fact that almost the entire history of the labour movement is precarious workers going on strike.
>  18 September 2019, 11:45:02 AM | LINK | Filed in
2507. RT @J_T_Horowitz The UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on #Myanmar recently concluded that Rohingya are at "serious risk" of genocide: ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HR… 1/15
>  18 September 2019, 5:35:48 PM | LINK | Filed in
2508. RT @samswey The text of the #PEACEAct has been released. One of the strongest bills in Congress to address police violence. It would require states and police depts receiving federal funds to adopt policies that require de-escalation and alternatives to deadly force: khanna.house.gov/sites/khanna.h…
>  19 September 2019, 8:47:57 PM | LINK | Filed in
2509. RT @yoyoha For anyone who thinks that one person can’t make a difference twitter.com/jshield/status…
>  21 September 2019, 3:52:08 PM | LINK | Filed in
2510. RT @diorchild 440 pairs of women's shoes were hung on one of the city walls in Istanbul this week to draw attention to male domestic violence in the country. This is the number of women murdered by their husbands in Turkey in 2019.
>  22 September 2019, 5:47:23 PM | LINK | Filed in

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