Write On Stomach
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2511. RT
@kanocarra I wish Google Maps had a "I'm walking home by myself at night" mode that would show you a way with well lit paths and open spaces. It always seems to take you on narrow, dark pathways in cities 😕
24 September 2019, 1:02:36 AM |
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24 September 2019, 3:26:32 PM |
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2513. RT
@jessamyn "Librarians are at the forefront of understanding our digital divide, and they know it’s far more complicated than having, or not having, internet." Lauren Comito and I talk about the rural and urban digital divides on @TheTakeaway
24 September 2019, 3:25:56 PM |
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2514. RT
@Andalalucha Students of #Ayotzinapa and parents of the #43 disappeared students protest in Guerrero. This week marks five years after the fatal attack and still no one knows what happened to the students.
24 September 2019, 10:31:17 PM |
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2515. RT
@TheWJP With user-friendly visualizations of global survey data on legal needs & #accesstojustice, WJP's just-launched #A2J data portal offers an interactive platform to explore how people around the world navigate everyday justice problems. Visit the microsite:
25 September 2019, 2:57:15 PM |
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2516. RT
@shanakn Does @ManhattanDA think rendering ppl HOMELESS @ arraignments (based on barebones allegations that will go nowhere) is consistent w/ the constitutional principles of due process & presumption of innocence?
B/c that’s what full orders of protection, which they ALWAYS demand, do.
26 September 2019, 1:03:13 AM |
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2517. RT
@PiggyinBlue Protesters use chalk to write the excerpts form a poem by local writer Hon Lai-chu entitled ‘They Say This is a Riot’ on the black walls of the City Hall.
27 September 2019, 9:08:24 PM |
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2518. RT
@mtajsar Breaking #ICE news: After holding a trial, federal judge in Los Angeles rules that ICE cannot rely on patchwork of federal databases to detain people held in state and local custody, invalidating the single biggest method that ICE uses to detain people across the country.
28 September 2019, 12:45:54 PM |
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2519. RT
@Andalalucha Hundreds of women take to the streets in a “green wave†#MareaVerde in downtown Mexico City to demand the legalization of abortion on this international day of action for reproductive justice. This comes days after the state of Oaxaca voted to depenalize abortion. #28s
28 September 2019, 2:05:30 PM |
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2520. RT
@PachlUpa 28 civil society organisations joined to write this manifesto how the digital transformation must change to serve society, citizens, consumers, people. Must read! @vonderleyen @vestager @EU_Justice
30 September 2019, 3:27:30 PM |
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