twitter is lazy

Found 3599 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1176 seconds for twitter or is or lazy.
2511. RT @AINowInstitute NYC hasn't provided any examples of automated decision systems (ADS) used by the city, even to members of NYC ADS Task Force. So we did it ourselves. Here's a chart of ADS that NYC is definitely using, and some we believe they might be using.…
>  12 April 2019, 11:44:04 AM | LINK | Filed in
2512. RT @random_walker I used to share the popular view that creating and maintaining research software is pointless — no one will use it, you won’t get credit for it, and it will die once the lead author completes their PhD. Here’s the story of how I changed my mind and what I learnt from it.
>  12 April 2019, 2:25:47 PM | LINK | Filed in
2513. RT @mollycrabapple For those not in NYC, Yemeni Americans own a large chunk of the bodegas in the city- for them to pull NY Post is a real strike against the paper…
>  13 April 2019, 11:43:00 AM | LINK | Filed in
2514. RT @KarenAttiah “Be civil! When they go low, go high.” Is basically— “When they attack and incite until you are silenced or dead, we will celebrate what an honorable martyr you were while doing nothing to stop the violence that silenced you .” @IlhanMN needs support and protection. NOW.
>  13 April 2019, 3:50:32 PM | LINK | Filed in
2515. RT @datingdecisions This twitter account calls out press releases of studies on mice that discuss the studies as if they were performed on humans. I feel like it has the potential to become a phenomenon.…
>  13 April 2019, 9:25:58 PM | LINK | Filed in
2516. RT @farbandish Field-wide subtweet: AI is only a future problem for people privileged enough to not ALREADY be targeted by infrastructures and technologies designed to oppress them. I do not give a fuck about flying robot ethics. I give a fuck about the material harm being done here and now.
>  14 April 2019, 9:11:21 AM | LINK | Filed in
2517. RT @kirstenainley The polit economy of intl crim justice: a number of mistakes here, but of partic interest is the creative way for states to make money in the GWOT and others to contract out their responsibility. I’m a fan of #hybridjustice as a rule, & #ICC now useless, but this leaves bad taste
>  14 April 2019, 10:20:45 AM | LINK | Filed in
2518. RT @mykola Hey, how's this for autism 'awareness' month: some percentage of you who are reading this tweet are #actuallyAutistic and aren't aware of it. I'm going to post a bunch of questions I wish I had been asked in this context, years ago. This is not diagnosis! But it's instructive.
>  14 April 2019, 4:19:38 PM | LINK | Filed in
2519. RT @waldojaquith The government: “We can’t automatically register people to vote when they turn 18 because we don’t know who is about to turn 18 or where they live.” Also the government: *sends a select service registration card to every single 17-year-old American male, no problem*
>  15 April 2019, 12:00:37 PM | LINK | Filed in
2520. RT @WesleyLowery We spent more than a year fighting for public records - eventually obtaining detailed accounts of more than 55k homicides, then built a mapping system that allowed us to locate places where murder is common but arrests are rare. We published it all here…
>  15 April 2019, 10:10:19 PM | LINK | Filed in

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